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Anyway to edit collisions?

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Good what ever time of day it currently is for you.


I've been absent for a while from the online modding communities and was wondering if there was a solution to collision editing. Last I read the only way to create or edit a collision is with 3DSMax, which I don't have. I have tried making custom collisions for custom/modified meshes by making a SCOL in the shape of the object that needs it and then transplanting said collision. Unfortunately it's kind off a hit or miss procedure often resulting in a lot of overlapping collisions so that there aren't any holes or collision-less areas. Another thing: a SCOL made with a combination of static and havok meshes more often than not results in a havok mess, causing it to partially fall through the floor. Anyway to change the resulted collision into a fully static or havok one?


Edit: Just realized the title should have said any way instead of anyway.

Edited by AnOutdatedMind
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Here's the link to the fixed file. You don't need to create a dropbox account, just skip the window and click the tiny little download icon near the top of the window.


I wasn't sure if you wanted the cinder blocks to sit above or below ground (you had the mesh origin such that they would sit below ground) so I made 2 versions. One with the blocks sitting on the ground and one with the seat sitting at ground level.



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Btw, I noticed that when I made the seat as a craftable item in the workshop, the seat icon is invisible in the menu, but it still can be crafted and appears in game. I'm not sure why it won't show as an icon in the menu. Also, I noticed the cavities in the cinder block are hollow in game, but appear to have been covered up in Nifskope. Again, I'm not sure why they don't appear covered up in game.


EDIT: maybe it is intentional that the cinderblocks are hollow. But if you want them to be solid, you can try using "Materials\Architecture\DiamondCity\DiamondCityBrickCinder01.BGSM" instead of Materials\Architecture\DiamondCity\DiamondCityBrickCinder01Alpha.BGSM".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much! It works like a charm! Here's a section of Home Plate I quickly furnished it with.


The corruption is probably caused by my unorthodox method of trying to make the creation kit spit out a usable collision.

As to why the seat part won't show up properly, I have no clue, although it's not the first time I've seen it. The institute terminals also suffer from this issue when they're made craftable.

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