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Made an "at runtime" description compiler, but one thing doesn't work...


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I made fully working runtime description compiler for challenges I'm adding to my mod, but one thing is a bit off, it compiles it just fine with the number of items and the name of the object, but it always one more of the last object in the list, despite it seeming like it shouldn't be doing that, here's the script:

Scriptname YAS_Script_ChallengesManager extends Quest

YAS_Script_Main	Property	YASMain	Auto

Struct ChallengeStruct
	String			ChallengeID
	Message			Description
	Int			TokenReward
	Formlist		Reward
	String			RewardDescription
	Int			CurrentRank
	GlobalVariable	        MaxRank

ChallengeStruct[] Property ChallengeArray Auto

Event OnQuestInit()

Message Function GetChallengeDescription(String akID)
	Int iStructIndex = ChallengeArray.FindStruct("ChallengeID", akID, 0)
	Message _description = ChallengeArray[iStructIndex].Description
	Return _description

String Function GetChallengeRewardDescription(String akID)
	Int iStructIndex = ChallengeArray.FindStruct("ChallengeID", akID, 0)
	String _rewardDescription = ChallengeArray[iStructIndex].RewardDescription
	Return _rewardDescription

Function InitializeChallengeDescriptions(ChallengeStruct[] akChallenges)
	Int iArrayIndex = 0
	While (iArrayIndex < akChallenges.Length)
		ChallengeStruct akChallenge = akChallenges[iArrayIndex]
		akChallenge.RewardDescription = "Rewards:<br><br>"
		Int iIndex = 0
		While (iIndex < akChallenge.Reward.GetSize())
			If (iIndex != akChallenge.Reward.GetSize())
				If (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() > 1)
					akChallenge.RewardDescription += (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() + " " + (akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(1).GetName() + "s, ")
				ElseIf (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() == 1)
					akChallenge.RewardDescription += (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() + " " + (akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(1).GetName() + ", ")
			ElseIf (iIndex == akChallenge.Reward.GetSize())
				If (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() > 1)
					akChallenge.RewardDescription += (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() + " " + (akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(1).GetName() + "s")
				ElseIf (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() == 1)
					akChallenge.RewardDescription += (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() + " " + (akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(1).GetName())
			iIndex += 1
		iArrayIndex += 1

The part of the script where it compiles the descriptions of all challenges is here:

Function InitializeChallengeDescriptions(ChallengeStruct[] akChallenges)
	Int iArrayIndex = 0
	While (iArrayIndex < akChallenges.Length)
		ChallengeStruct akChallenge = akChallenges[iArrayIndex]
		akChallenge.RewardDescription = "Rewards:<br><br>"
		Int iIndex = 0
		While (iIndex < akChallenge.Reward.GetSize())
			If (iIndex != akChallenge.Reward.GetSize())
				If (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() > 1)
					akChallenge.RewardDescription += (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() + " " + (akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(1).GetName() + "s, ")
				ElseIf (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() == 1)
					akChallenge.RewardDescription += (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() + " " + (akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(1).GetName() + ", ")
			ElseIf (iIndex == akChallenge.Reward.GetSize())
				If (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() > 1)
					akChallenge.RewardDescription += (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() + " " + (akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(1).GetName() + "s")
				ElseIf (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() == 1)
					akChallenge.RewardDescription += (((akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(0) as GlobalVariable).GetValueInt() + " " + (akChallenge.Reward.GetAt(iIndex) as Formlist).GetAt(1).GetName())
			iIndex += 1
		iArrayIndex += 1

Anyone have any advice on what I might've done wrong? I feel like it should be working.

Edited by HappySlapp
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The last Formlist within the Rewards Formlist.


It contains a GlobalVariable which determines the amount of the reward, and a form in the second index which is the object given.


It always seems to duplicate the information from the last index of the Rewards Formlist.

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hmmm... not sure what's wrong, but the comparison for the conditional of the last index of the FormList should be iIndex == akChallenge.Reward.GetSize() - 1

The while loop should never meet the if condition for iIndex == akChallenge.Reward.GetSize() because the loop condition is iIndex < akChallenge.Reward.GetSize()


GetSize() = 3:

Index 0 (if 0 == 3)

Index 1 (if 1 == 3)

Index 2 (if 2 == 3)


The index will not reach 3.


Sorry I can't help with the actual problem, tho.

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hmmm... not sure what's wrong, but the comparison for the conditional of the last index of the FormList should be iIndex == akChallenge.Reward.GetSize() - 1

The while loop should never meet the if condition for iIndex == akChallenge.Reward.GetSize() because the loop condition is iIndex < akChallenge.Reward.GetSize()


GetSize() = 3:

Index 0 (if 0 == 3)

Index 1 (if 1 == 3)

Index 2 (if 2 == 3)


The index will not reach 3.


Sorry I can't help with the actual problem, tho.


Actually what you just said in theory just solved his problem. His rewards system constructs a message based on the reward formlist and it would look like this:



- 6 Stimpacks

- 1 Military Grade Duct Tape


His problem was that the last item got duplicated so it printed:



- 6 Stimpacks

- 1 Military Grade Duct Tape

- 1 Military Grade Duct Tape


This is indeed because he was using while(iIndex < akChallenge.Reward.GetSize()) instead of while(iIndex < akChallenge.Reward.GetSize() - 1). What's confusing me is that he's accessing an element outside of the formlist index bounds yet it still somehow worked instead of returning an error or None.

Edited by NoCashNoExp
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I though the same, but actually while(iIndex < akChallenge.Reward.GetSize()) should be ok, let's say length is 3 as in my example


While 0 < 3 is true

While 1 < 3 is true

While 2 < 3 is true

While 3 < 3 is false, it should not run this loop


If you use -1 the index would stop at index 1, because 2 is not less than 2.

Edited by DieFeM
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Okay, this is really weird, I changed the iIndex == akChallenge.Reward.GetSize() to iIndex == akChallenge.Reward.GetSize() - 1 and yet it's now duplicating both items in the formlist. I really don't get how that's happening.

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