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Two questions about meshing in Skyrim


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Right. So, lately, I've been attempting to remesh some creatures in Skyrim to remove jagged polygons. However, there's some sort of hard-cap on the number of faces that blender can handle. I made a mesh with 17,000, and it said I had too many. I decimated the mesh and got it down below 8,000, but it still said I had too many. Does anyone know what the actual limit is? I know some body mods use 12000+. I'm extremely confused for as to how 8,000 is apparently too many, but 12,000 is not. Can anyone explain this to me? I work with triangles, not squares. (That's probably not correct terminology, lol.)


Second, I've been attempting to re-mesh the rock grass object. In Skyrim, those tiny, jagged rocks you see around the landscape (the little, barely noticeable ones) are actually a grass object. I've been trying to make them look more like rocks. However, the node BShaderlightingproperties (I think that's what it's called) disappears when I export my .blend file. This is terrible, since to finish the mesh and make it display properly in-game, I actually need that node. Does anyone know what might be causing it to vanish? I save my files as .blend before they're done, before I export them as a .nif. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Edited by Aegrus
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