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Soul Trapping Spell Ring Kill em with magic still get a soul


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How soon can somebody make this ring mod?


Had an idea for a ring that if you kill someone with magic

preferably destruction spells, so that if you kill a target with magic

and have an appropriate soul gem you still get the soul without casting soul trap just before killing them.


Idea came to me after killing three targets with my fighter mage character and realising afterward that if I had put them to the sword, my soul trapping sword, I would have three souls now.


Its obviously doable since it already works with soul stealer perks on bound weapons.


BTW I found somebody did a fix for the lack of FX with soul stealing bound weapons take a soul. Haven't tried it yet though.



Edited by crixgannicus
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When ring is equipped, make destruction magic cast soul trap on target. For AoE's, use soul trap AoE. You'd probably want to use a perk activator with the ring, and you'd have to add conditional effects to all destruction magic which checks to see if the perk is active, and if it is -> add soul trap effect.

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Its probably easier to script it. I'd make it so wearing the ring dynamically attaches a script to npcs around the player. Have that script listen for OnDeath events, check if the player is the killer and then do Player.SoulTrap(self). Wouldn't require messing with any of the spells.

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Thanks for contributing guys.


BTW a question when you say "npcs around the player" does that take into account that some destruction spells are pretty long range or wide area?

Just asking...


Now the thing is...who here including who reading this can

make it happen


Edited by crixgannicus
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