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Grenade Hotkey for Project Nevada stopped working


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Seemingly sometime during Dead money. I used the grenade hotkey to use modded throwing spears, a some point I stopped using it, and at another point the hotkey stopped working. Is this a known issue are there any fixes?

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Try quickly re-installing Unified HUD or PN if no uHUD. I haven't heard of it, just making a recommendation :). If you have any previous saves you can test, back up your current ones and play through until it breaks or again, or hopefully doesn't.

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Well that's why I recommended a quick reinstall - if you have FOMM then a quick reactivation of the mods would be the same. Let us know if it works anyway :). BTW If you were using CASM you'd have a lot more saves to play with ;)

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  • 10 months later...

I had the same problem and tried every thing (including a fresh install with just Project Nevada).


Finally I found this advise to fix the Project Nevada Grenade Hotkey and it worked like a charm.


From an earlier posting:

There were some unsafe parts in the grenade hotkey script that could make it stop working in rare cases. It will be fixed in the next version.

Besides waiting for the next version or trying it with a clean safe, the following might fix it:

1. Disable the grenade hotkey in the menu.
2. Exit the menu, then save the game.
3. Restart the game, load your saved game.

4. Check which Mod Index Project Nevada - Core.esm has in FOMM.
5. Type
ResetQuest XX004756
in the console, where XX is replaced by the mod index from step 4.
6. Enable the grenade hotkey again.
It worked for the person who had the problem back then.

Edited by cndblank
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  • 3 weeks later...

The grenade hotkey didn't completely stop working in my game, but it's definitely malfunctioning. It got stuck on mines, and I couldn't cycle to anything else until I dropped all the mines from my inventory. But when I pick the mines back up the grenade hotkey won't even show them when I cycle through with the 'H' key, as if I don't have any mines at all. It skips powder charges, as well. I tried the advice in this thread and it didn't make the grenade hotkey work with mines or powder charges. Any suggestions?

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