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Weapon won't swing if only clicked once.


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<p>So I'm having a minor technical issue and I wondered if anyone could help me? I have a well modded game and have never had this issue, when I booted up my game today I noticed my weapon swing was poorly calibrated, after some experimentation I realized it would take up to five or six mouse clicks for the weapon to actually register I was trying to use it. </p>

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<p>It's an error with every weapon type, both 1h and 2h swords so it's not any kind of game mechanic. </p>

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<p>I don't have any other cursor lag so this is truly puzzleing. </p>

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<p>When I do click up to six times or hold down the attack button the weapon will register and swing as normal. </p>

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<p>Any clues on how I might fix this issue? </p>

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<p>Thanks in advance. </p>

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<p>EDIT: - It seems only to apply to two handed weapons now, yes they are slower but the weapon isn't rsponding to input unless I click about six times, one click will not draw the weapon either. </p>

<p> </p>

Edited by jessegullick
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