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Crosses showed up on right side of my screen.


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So I have installed 1.9 beta wanted to see was it was about out of bordom, No problems with playing atm but have these crosses that show up on the right side of my screen.



Probably something easy to get rid of but I can't figure out how or what it is.

I did install the new skse beta also don't know if that has anything to do with it.

If anyone can help me out with what it is that would be great.


Oh i also noticed it shows another symbol when I'm attacking enemy's.


Also sorry if this is something minor and easy to get rid of not really sure what it is so didn't know what to search for.

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It looks as if you also have SkyUI installed & updated. This looks to be the new active effects icon display from that. I'm not sure if it's running correctly from your screen - but you could check with the SkyUI authors and look into it?

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