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Ideas and fitting quests and dungeons for my Treasure Hunter?


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So I just started a treasure hunter character. He's and imperial with mainly speech and sneak skills. I'm having him collect stones of barenziah to get the prowlers profit perk. I also plan on doing treasure map hunts and MAYBE the thieves guild.


I'm wondering if you guys know any good quests that fit my character. Also he's VERY against killing ( I have the speech tree mod that allows enemies to yield. He's only had to kill 2 people my first 6 hours of gameplay) so I'd prefer quests that are light on human enemies. Or any dungeons that have a lot of gems and loot would fit nicely too (Somethin like Pinewatch which has a treasure room with a shitton of gems). Or maybe quests to find valuable artifacts would be cool too.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Tehandyman
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