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Disable Havoc?


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Everything is working beautifully now guys, thank you SO much. But I have hit another snag though, Im having trouble loading some of my mod weapons in NifSkope, primarily the HK Mk23 which is my favorite gun of all time naturally lol. The damn program gives me a window full of errors and then just crashes out of the friggin program. I fsomeone could possibly remove the collision branches from the L1A1 mod, Mk23 mod, silenced beretta mod, and the M1911 mod in NifSkope, I would be EMMENSLY grateful.
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To "remove" havok physics from an object, export its NIF. Open it up in Max


find the BHKrigidBody object in your scene, it should be a point object so almost invisible (use the list to find it then selected it)


Once selected set the mass to 0.0

disable 'Allow transforms'






Save, reimport the NIF and you are done.

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The only problem is that I cant get NifSkope to open/load some of the mod weapons, like everytime I try, I get a little error window and then nifskope immediately crashes.... you do mean export the files from Nifskope into 3dsmax right?
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That is an issue with nifskope, everyone is waiting patiently for a new version but until then nifskope can't open a weapon once it has been saved without errors and once the game has used it it can't be opened at all.


The way to do it would be to import the nif into 3ds max (or any other program with a nif importer) then re-export it and open an existing weapon and paste the strips data over the original and change the texture to what it should be, then you can remove the collision and hang it on the wall. (remember once saved the nif can't be reopened)

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So when I re-export it from Max, what type do I export it as? I expoted one of the modded weapons as an OBJ and when I imported it in NifSkope, it came out a little screwed up, like the model was there, but some of the data was missing. Can I still copy the damaged model data onto a working weapon to write it over? And aslo, how do I set which texture for it to use?
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You need to use niftools plugin for max and export it as nif


the texture changing is done by expanding the NiTriStripsShape in there there should be something like nitrishaderproperty (or something with shader in it I think) Expand that you should see something with textureset in it select that and in the block details window (make sure you have the block details window open) and click the purple flower and select your texture.


BTW its always helpful to open an existing nif and explore and mess around with it and learn what things do.

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yup yup! <3 SPeedy


the first two slots in the texture list are really all you NEED... unless your stuff has transparencies and needs an opacity map


1. Diffuse color map

2. Normals Map / Specular map in the Alpha

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