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storn crag strider wont read the book!


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Hi there fellow dragonborns!

I'm currently stuck on the dragonborn quest line and i can't find any way to move on. I've been googling my eyes dry for weeks but can't find a solution!

It's time for Storn Crag-strider to read the black book and be brought to hermaeus mora and the quest is to "wait for storn to read the book" but he never does!

He just stands in Skaal village and if i try to have a conversation with him all he says is "There's nothing else to say, I'm in the allmakers hands now."


Is there a Mod to get rid of this bug that anyone knows of or does anyone have some other solution?


And also since i'm complaining about bugs: Serana is stuck in the giant magick mushroom with the blue magic lift and she can't come down and i can't make her. so i can't use her as a follower anymore! :( any ideas?



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  • 2 weeks later...

i had the same problem storn wont do anything after giving him the book , i did this and it worked ( checked several times) after storn goes to read the book and stand without any movements go and talk to frea that she will tell you "be silent" then storn will start talking and the quest progresses as it should be .


and as for Serana ... she was once stuck in a tree and the only thing i did was to hit the console and select her and write "kill " then ok then serana was out of the tree :dry: and currently she stucks in every objects she sees fit :mad: so i have to do the not wanted work write kill and etc

so i think it works :yes:


hope they will solve your problem

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