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Travelling between DLC (Dawnguard & Dragonborn)


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Hello to everyone!


As the topic says, travelling between the castle of dawnguard, the island of Solstheim and skyrim is near impossible.

Both fast travel and manual travel (cave way, by boat) seems to freeze the game in loading. Maybe not total freeze, the music and smoking rolls, but never loads skyrim environment.


The fix i have have used this far, is an mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12553 It's Dovahkiin Hideout

It fixed the problem by fast travelling with a neckless given to you (Dovakhiin's recall) wich teleports you to the hideout. By first going to the hideout, and then entering skyrim work's fine.


But, is there a better fix for my problem, because it's kind of tiresome having to go trough several loading screens.


I'm currently using a lot of mod's, so I won't bother you with them.

SKSE I use offcourse

SkyUII aswell


Intel core i7-3770 3,40 GHz


Nvidia geforce gtx 680 twin frozr iii


Perhaps this help's someone with the same problem if there isn't a better fix out there.

Thank's for all and any help!


EDIT: Seems it still freezes upon entering skyrim from one of the player houses after fast travel to the hideout, but restarting the game fixes that. But it completly ruins the gameplay, having to restart everytime I'm going back and forth.

Edited by FabianBlaha
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