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Weapon Damage Drop


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I'm using SkyRe, and absolutely no other item modifying mods. I have the Hideout, and Locational Damage, albeit I disabled it cuz i don't use it. When I cleaned my old save so that I can play SkyRe, my Daedric Bow had a 400 dmg value on it. Later it dropped to 383, then 245 and now its 180. I don't know if it's just the numbers that are changing, but the damage staying the same. I can't tell because SkyRe has perks that have % chance to deal some crazy damage. Any ideas what it might be from? Or anything at all really. This isn't only true for 1 item. Arrows and swords as well as crossbows have lower damage values. I noticed that after I played about 5-6 hours of SkyRe. What's more interesting is that I even loaded the base save (where the values were high), and they still stayed high. So would that mean that it's not a mod fault? If not, then what's going on?

Edited by xxxKenseIxxx
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