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An Issue with modding


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Hey everyone, first of all i wasn't sure where to post this, but since the mod troubleshooting forum seems more about problems caused by the mods rather than a porblem with modding itself i choosed to post here, if thats wrong then i'm sorry.


Ok here's what's happening: I found an armor mod that i really liked so i downloaded and installed it, the mod uses the vanilla body and apparently doesnt have a weigth slider so when wearing the armor my character's head looks huge or rather her body looks very small. Since i didn't like that outcome but really really liked the armor i though i could just convert it to cbbe so it would fit, however i don't have any experience in making or converting meshes, the most i've done is modify esps to change armors or weapons crafting requirements or balance them better.


Anyways i didn't though it would be too difficult and went to this page: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Converting_an_armour_to_another_body_for_Skyrim

to learn how to do it. i downloaded and installed all requirements following the guide here:


the only difference being more recent versions of all programs except blender.


Python 2.6.6

PyFFI 2.1.11

Blender NifScripts



Everything went cool and without any problems so i went to nifskope and loaded the _0.nif file, changed the User Version 12 to 11 the 83 to 34 and removed the BSLightningShaderProperty branch and save the nif file as the guide states, but when i go to import there is no Netimmerse/Gamebyro (.nif) option. The guide says if that doesn't show up i didn't instal NifScripts but i did everything just like the instalation guide said and never got any warnings so i don't know why it doesnt show up.


So thats my problem, i have no idea what i'm doing wrong here... do i need a different version of NifScripts or Skope? is somehting wrong with the guide's explanation? is it because 64bit windows? or maybe i downloaded the 64bit version of somehting and it's incompatible? i don't know the installers don't say 64bit or 32bit in their names only PyFFi says 32bit.


So can anyone point me in the right direction here? Please and thank you >_<.

Edited by Diakuren
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