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More Mercenaries (re-spawning/infinite hirelings)


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So I am currently playing the roll of a traveling trader/ unethical business man type. I do some jobs for the thieves guild, and deliver this, befuddle that guy for $$. Then I realized, I can also take kill XX bandit leader, or delve into xyz cave to get whatever object by hiring mercenaries to do the fighting for me! Outsourcing! So I invested in a crack team, all the hirelings, and BOOM! say Hello to Skyrims newest mercenary band, and their benefactor! So I travel around collecting bounties and reaping the rewards with my new squad, and trading between the holds as I go, the perfect business man! but then my hirelings died. Not breaking character I didn't give a crap as the first died because whtevs it's just the cost of doing business. But as one by one they started to go down I no longer had anyway to conduct my business. I could go around and make friends of people to get more hirelings but that is just not Role play friendly for my character.


So the Idea is to create a mod that re-spawns the vanilla hirelings, well I guess spawns new ones in their place as they die. I think this is good for my situation but also a great immersion, lore friendly, much needed piece of skyrim. Because lets face it with a war going on mercenaries would be pouring into the land!


I have no experience modding but am more than willing to help in anyway and I would love to jump in and learn. I've been using all the great mods on this site without contributing to them for to long now and would greatly like to jump in. If someone doesn't want to do the work here but would be willing to point me in the right direction/ mentor me through the process that would be great!


There is a mod I discovered that is doing this kind of but it seems to be in need of help and hasn't been updated for awhile http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18873

So alternatively anybody could just go help that guy out!


Thanks for all the amazing work and happy dragon hunting!

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