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Surprise CTDs!


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I'm having random crash to desktop issues. I haven't downloaded or installed any new mods in weeks, and I've been playing just fine. I tried uninstalling a few of the mods that I hadn't really been using, only to find that the same problem persists.


It happens like this, I'm playing and then it crashes. I don't know how or why, it just crashes. When I load up my game, I can go back to the same area, do the exact same thing and I'm fine. However, later on it just crashes again. Surprise! Crash.


The only thing that I can equate this to is Dawnguard. I know it seems a bit silly, but I have experienced a lot of issues with Dawnguard before, and this is the first time I've been able to complete the main quest. Since the main quest was completed, these crashes started happening. Are they somehow related?


I wish I could give more information, but the CTD never happens in the same place, or at the same time. The intervals are completely random.


EDIT: Fixed. I was unaware of how buggy saving and loading QUICKSAVEs was.

Edited by Elezeid
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