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Any "large scale" unique item re-texture/redesigns in the work


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One thing that has always attracted me to these type of games was the unique items. I guess you kids today call them legendaries. Back when Diablo 2 ruled the world, the coolest items were the uniques. They had different looks, abilities etc from the other available gear.


Enter Skyrim.


I was vastly disappointed with the appearance of the Uniques in Skyrim. There are a few uniques that seem to follow the tradition... "Dawnbreaker," "Mehrunes Razor" "Saviors Hide." But most of the uniques in Skyrim look pretty much identical to their standard counterparts except for a "swirling enchantment coloring."




I am wondering if there are any "large scale" unique item "overhauls" in the works. I give kudos to "insanity" who is working on doing this exact task. His "red eagles bane redux" is awesome and is exactly what I think of when I think of a "unique" item. Check it out here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32930


I'm hoping that he and others out there are planning on giving the rest of the ordinary looking uniques a redesign.

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Hey there


Just saw this, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33292/


Not as large scale as I think you had hoped, but theres some cool retextures. Not sure if the author plans on expanding or not.


I missed that. Looks like Insanity shares my views on the lack of unique looking unique items in Skyrim and has combined his unique item replacers into 1 file. I am hoping that he is able to do the same to the remaining other unique items.

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