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Bug: Strange "ghost lod trees" at Whiterun


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Hi! I'm having a curious problem: Near Whiterun I see unusual tree lods but when I approach them there's no trees. So I only get these ghost lod trees, not any actual objects. Even more curius is that these trees are not those you see near whiterun. In fact, they seem maby like aspens. And one tree looks like it doesn't belong to the game at all!


I have just udated to 1.9 recently. I have already removed all the mods, except for all the DLCs. All visual mods, and installed .dll files are removed as well. SKSE is not in use. I have never even used a mod that would add any trees to Skyrim. The trees appear near Whiterun on a couple of locations. I haven't found them appearing elsewhere.


I just can't undrestand where did those impostor trees come from! Does anyone experienced any simlar bugs?



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I also have these Ghostly trees. They appeared after I'd updated Wrye, NMM, and various mods to latest editions, but before updating to 1.9. I have the sneaky suspicion that it's one of the fight against the Thalmor series which i added all at once, but could be something else which has edited the game lod. Might be a mod which uses gkb trees but merged with the sample forest not the clean esp. Mods Ive recently added are:

Fight against Thalmor 1-4

Tame the wild beasts


Pilotable rowboats

finally real boats

opulent maid

My home is your home

MJY Mysteriou island

jaws deadly oceans

deadly dragons

dragon combat overhaul

...and a slew of updates on others. I know i'm supposed to do one at a time...

...and i could be something ele since i haven't been home to skyhammer hold in awhile and might not have noticed...

If this info helps to ring any bells then PLEASE respond before i have to monkey with lod files... Oh yeah , tried out new harvest anim mod but took out again...

Edited by vorpa
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yeah that looks like a mod which has added static LOD's using my system and then the modder forgot to regenerate or get rid of previously generated lods, my suggestion, go to folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Terrain\Tamriel\Objects and delete the bto files which are the custom generated static lods. This will make skyrim run the default static lods.


This will get rid of ghost lod's but it will also get rid of lod's associated to custom meshes from mod's. I can't tell you which mod it is, but you could probably work it out if you look at which mods add bto files (one of them will be the culprit).

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<p>I have exactly the same problem. All was fine before updating to patch 1.9. In the Tamriel fodler i didn't have a fodler objects, but I had folder named Trees with alot of BTT files in it. Deleting them fixed the problem for me. Btw after patching i noticed that there are alot of trees outside of Whiterun that wasn't present before. They look like they are in the wrong place.</p> Edited by karaliolio
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