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An idea for actor deaths (animations)


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As you all know there's just two kinds of deaths (exluding killmoves) that NPCs and player has: the ragdoll and the rolling twist of death. Now, I was poking around the creation kit and figured out that there was some conditions and a 50% chance to get a ragdoll when an actor dies, otherwise the actor enters the death animation.


The idea is following:


NEW animations for deaths! Multiple ways to die! For example: when an actor gets the final hit from a sword, there would be few possible animation along with ragdoll to occure. Let's just say 70% possibility for ragdoll, 10% possibility for a "throat got cut open->actor holding his throat->slow death" - animation, 10% possibility for a other animation. etc. and if hit by a mace 70% possibility for ragdoll again, 10% possibility for a mace specific animation and... ... you get the idea.


Now this would just increase the immersion by gigash*tons, don't you think. I've briefly looked into this mod called "deadly mutilation" but it's WAAYYY over the top and breaks the immersion. Not to mention there's no custom animations - only bodies that get hacked into pieces.


Now, the problem is that by default, there's no way to add new idle animations, for the behaviours can't be edited. This can countered with FNIS (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811) but new animations can't be added to the humanoid behaviour - 0_master.hkx - file, I recon? From what I've read these new animations could be added as LOOSE files and as Anim Events that could be used in a scripts.


But how do you make a script that affects all the humanoid actors when they're dying? By Ismir, tell me!

If I'd know this and knew how to animate with grace, I wouldn't be posting now :smile:


In a nutshell:


-A death mod with variety of death animations

-weapon specific animations with random propabilities if occuring

-new animations added with using FNIS

-new animation controlled via script when an actor is dying

-please teach me how to make nice animations :smile:

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I used the existing lay down animation as replacers. Looked less weird, but I still prefer the mod that disables the death animation. Edited by Derok
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