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xbox controller

>Argonian thief<

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No wait a sec this topic isnt totally useless.

Does anybody have any recomdations as to what controllers i should be using. this one that just broke was a pelican elclispe. ive used a mad cats one as well and that lasted for a few months. Ive also used some other weird one called intense or somthing.


any ideas?

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I just use the plain controllers. They work fine and arnt that hard to hold. Plus i didnt feel like buying new-fangled ones... although i heard about one new controller with a built in fan to cool your hands... Sounds good to me :D
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well you see i would buy controolers with fans built in and everything but theres 2 things stoping me.


1. i dont know were to get one and a trip to fargo right now seems alittle out of the question.


2. im broke! i can hardly afford to race BMX tomorrow. todays monday i dont get paid till friday and im trying to save up for a new comp.

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nope right now i only have 15$ dollars and BMX is tomorrow so that will eat up some money as well.


EDIT: ok i found somthing out. the controller isnt completely broken, it only wokrs half the time. so i get it to work and feel good about myself for about 5 minutes then it cuts out again. Has this ever happened to anyone? Is somthing maybe wrong with the cable? Ive noticed no ones said anything for 2 days so any help will be greatly apprieciated



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