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Mora and Akatosh Armors


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Akatosh and Hermaeus Mora have something of an arch rivalry going on, ever since Xarxes went to the dark side, and I think it'd be a nice to have either armor as a sort of end-game treat for those who have beaten all the expansions.


For the Akatosh Armor I'd like see a very dull ivory with the slightest tinge of gold, in asymmetric, horned armor (a swept up shoulder, for instance, not actual horns) that flows closely across the wearer in elegant but alien ways. Not all of the body has to be sheathed, and this could lend to the asymmetry. No wings protruding, or dragons etched, but the hint of something avian built into the armor itself with how it swirls and tapers. Instead of a helm I'd like a mask-like item, extending upward thinly from the spine of the armor and sweep around only one side of the face, to create a circular eyepiece around one eye.


The Mora Armor should have an asymmetric look as well, but it should be dark oily green, and instead of "horny ;)" it should be tentacle-y. Is there any way to model it with the same skin that Miraak's Sword is made of? Zerofrost did an excellent Medusa Armor that made me think Old Herma-Mora should have his own.


I don't have any artistic or technical talent, but I can talk your ear off about these ideas if you want more details, send a PM.

Edited by positronics
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