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Faendal No Dialogue. No Interaction.


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Hi. I have an issue with Faendal, and I'm thinking it may have to do with either FNIS, or UFO.


I've done a new character and entered Riverwood and got into the "Love Triangle" quest for Sven or Faendal. If I chose to help Sven. I can make him a follower. But if I choose to work in Faendal favor. He doesn't give me and dialogue to interact with.


I can take Swen's fake letter to him, or have Camilla tell me to go speak to him, after outing Svens lie. And there is no dialogue. There's none for marksman training either.


I'm assuming it's FNIS or UFO. But I've used BOSS and TES5edit and I'm getting no issue coming to track.


Any suggestions?

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  • 7 years later...

I know this was around 7 years ago... if you ever have this issue again try the following in console commands while having the character selected. It will make them into a follower and seemed to fix the no dialogue option I had with him. This doesn't work on creatures/beasts.


setav aggression 0
ssq DialogueFollower
sifh 1
set FavorFollowTimerFriend to -1
set FavorTimer to -1
setplayerteammate 1
forcerefintoalias follower
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