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Nifscope and blender.


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I either get error popups, drak grayed out meshes that have no UV data or blank obj files exported from Blender, why doesn't blender have a plug it that fixes most of this crap? A simple cut and paste dose not work right, spent 4 days on an awesome model that works fine in blender but nif scope will not touch it UHG its driving me crazy!!!!!!

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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


Afraid I can't help you much with Blender, I've never managed to master it myself. :)


"why doesn't blender have a plug it that fixes most of this crap?"


I take it you've got Blender NIF Scripts?


Latest version here:




That allows Export & import of .nif's with Blender.


There's also this video series on Youtube about exporting .nif's from Blender:




Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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THANK you!!!


The newest blender (2.5ish running newest right now) is not so hard to do basic cut,pasting,covering of missing bits and what not. The exporting seems to be the tricky bit.


So this supports the newest blender right????


I'm I going to have to go back to 2.49 32bit?

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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


"So this supports the newest blender right???? I'm I going to have to go back to 2.49 32bit?"


I'm no expert but sadly I think it only works for 32-bit Blender 2.49b:




"The newest blender (2.5ish running newest right now) is not so hard to do basic cut,pasting,covering of missing bits and what not."


Yes, last time I checked out Blender, the newer version seemd a lot more user friendly. :) Unfortunately the .nif export/import plugin seems to work only for that older version.


Anyone who's more up on this than me, please feel free to clarify. :)



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ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


"So this supports the newest blender right???? I'm I going to have to go back to 2.49 32bit?"


I'm no expert but sadly I think it only works for 32-bit Blender 2.49b:




"The newest blender (2.5ish running newest right now) is not so hard to do basic cut,pasting,covering of missing bits and what not."


Yes, last time I checked out Blender, the newer version seemd a lot more user friendly. :smile: Unfortunately the .nif export/import plugin seems to work only for that older version.


Anyone who's more up on this than me, please feel free to clarify. :smile:



It's toying with..er I am toying with it now. LOL Thanks again for the reply, this has been driving me nuts.



Trying to fig out how to scale in old blender, found duplicate.




Attaching my weapon nif thats gone through a ton of importing and exporting, no UV on it, is there anyway for me to export it from New blender to obj that will allow for importing to the old blender with the UV?


Heres a pic of it




Thats my main thing, lost alot of time on that....... >> the drum clip I want to make should be easy enough to do in old blender. Once I figure out how to change scale.....

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You can open your scene in Blender 2.49 so only really need to use it when you are ready to export/import. You can use Blender 2.5+ if that is what you find more comfortable.


Also avoid .obj like the plague if you do not know its limitations.

So import in 2.49, save as blender file, open with 2.5+ edit it,save it as blender file then open in and then export with 2.49?

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The only thing is that the animation system is not forward compatible. You might still have to do some specific stuff, like setting up collisions in 2.49 but for general "stuff" like modelling, rigging etc. you should be fine. Usual disclaimer :P

Well its not like FO3 allows for much beyond the editor, you are lucky to mod meshes and textures. I will focus mesh work till I get to a point I just have to have animations. So for now I am happy with importing any mesh at all. Also I have a dumb q, can you change postilion of a mesh within a scene? IE it can tell up from down and all that? I guess it dose I always add too a mesh without moving it around. Tho last time I tried my drum clip I put the drums on the top of the clip 0_o LOL

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Well there was alot of functionality in the scripts, animation, materials, texturing, rigging, collisions etc. Some got broken along the line, lack of documentation, limitiations with blender scripting etc, the usual software project problems. From that standpoint the work I am doing at the moment is not about simply porting to blender 2.5+ and tacking on skyrim support but overhauling the entire project, an arduous task to say the least.


Well the exported nif will have the same transformations as it has in the blender scene, relative to the origin (0,0,0)

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