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White House....


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Hi all,


could someone build the interior building of the US white house? I am to stupid for... :wallbash:


Cool would be small a secret Presidental-Vault too.


Here the link to the White House Museum, it will you show all rooms, and it shows you the arrangement of the rooms. (Is not absolutly nessary...) Some Parts could be destroyed or blocked...

White House



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ha, not gonna lie, i was disappointed when i saw the whitehouse... or i guess i should say didn't see the white house. The vault would be cool, but i have to say rebuilding the whitehouse wouldn't be a good idea...
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March 2077

Prepared for a nuclear or biological attack from China, the President and the Enclave retreats to remote sections around the globe and make contingency plans for continuing the war.


No president no vault ;)

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I was disappointed too. It would be nice to see some ferral presidential staff... kinda like t he Dunwick building.


I might jump on this after I finish the merc mod. Have say... an unfinished vault that the staff fled too.

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ha, not gonna lie, i was disappointed when i saw the whitehouse... or i guess i should say didn't see the white house. The vault would be cool, but i have to say rebuilding the whitehouse wouldn't be a good idea...




Actually, I was dissapointed to see the capitol building ruined but still standing (it would have been a prime target, too). What's really sad is that Bethesda apparently never thought of reading the widely available material about nuclear blast effects, radii, etc; if they did, the Capitol Wasteland would look considerably different (like say, all of the city blocks downtown being flattened to dust, but towns and neighborhoods a few miles off would be relatively intact).

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