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Underworld Vampire Armor & Helmet (bad-ass)


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-= not sure if such request was post before, so sorry if it was =-


most helmets in the game even the ones added by mods look bad because of the way they "shave" the character's head.. there are mods that ad wigs and stuff but they don't really cut it. here is a helmet that looks trully vampy and bad-ass and covers the face in a way that doesn't show your char's shaved head and also would work great with dawnguard dlc:


http://a3.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/10/a73a6316b74b4e4a91a66d2d4dbd0d1f/l.jpg http://media.liveauctiongroup.net/i/5394/8462994_2.jpg?v=8CB55C2A8D16C00

http://www.billnighy.info/img/2008/billnighy_underworld_riseofthelycans_viktor_l.jpg how bad-ass is that!?!?!

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