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Better cities Syrim edition


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I am currently working together with the guys from the better cities mod for advertisement and promotional purposes but i plan to even start modding myself!
First of all whiterun and windhelm are currently being worked on. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30046

Now I am working on Solitude improvements.

First of all: what do YOU want to see in Soltitude?
What I want to do is: I want to show that Soltitude truely is the city of imperial influence in Skyrim
I plan to improve the interiors and exteriors of existing shops (a mannequin for the clothier etc.), add the missing smelter, new vendors and NPCs,
maybe even tourists from all over tamriel (or mainly Cyrodill?).

Also I plan to add 2 embassies (in a wing of the blue palace), orcish and ???.

I want to finish everything before I release a new version! That means if I add a feature it will be fully fleshed out!
New npcs will come with daily rutines etc.
That means progress will be slower, but every feature will be 100% finished at release and there won't be any dummy houses or doors!

As i don't know too much about the ck i want to start slow.

v.0.1 improved interiors of shops
v.0.2 improved market area and main place
v.0.3 jewelry store and hotel added
v.0.4 improved castle and gate

v.0.5 school and/or bathhouse

v.0.6 first ambessy including ambessador (he will walk to the soltitude jarl etc.), visitors and guards
v.0.7 second ambessy (see above features)

As said above i plan to make small steps, so i guess there will be v.0.15 etc.
Those above are only the main concepts. for now new npcs will come unvoiced, but i guess there is room for later additions of voices :smile:

But to know what you guys want I need ideas for brainstorming :D
So keep 'em coming and thanks in advance :smile:

Edited by TWarrior
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additional information:


solitude is a trade city yet i wont touch the port (also for compability reasons), i will only change the city itself and not the outskirts!

but of course some people will walk to the port to get wares etc.


what do you consider imperial culture wise? do we want a school and a baker?

there are 2 or 3 good soltitude mods, sadly all of them are discontinued so i might pick up some features (for example the 2 named above).

Edited by TWarrior
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I would love a better cities mod, Expanded Cities and similar mods are already, but they just don't change enough, most of them just add in silly novelty things that are kinda interesting the first time you look at them.

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okay i know where to place stuff now and what has to be done. sadly near the blue palace i have only place for one ambassy.

maybe make it a blue palace wing and have 2 embassys in there? would there be possible conflicts? again: which races would want to be in solitude with the imperials?


also: bathhouse? maybe integrate the bathhhouse mod?

i also thought about cyrodillic tourists near and inside the blue palace :)

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okay i know where to place stuff now and what has to be done. sadly near the blue palace i have only place for one ambassy.

maybe make it a blue palace wing and have 2 embassys in there? would there be possible conflicts? again: which races would want to be in solitude with the imperials?


also: bathhouse? maybe integrate the bathhhouse mod?

i also thought about cyrodillic tourists near and inside the blue palace :smile:

There should be definitely more stores and vendors. The marke in Solitude is silly small and bland... it has no life, no people yelling you should buy their crap and stuff.


Tourists from all of Tamriel, not only Cyrodill. Add some variation.

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from all of tamriel? yeah i would also like that. i think it should be mainly noble families who have a connection with the empire.


any other thoughts for brainstorming?

what should they sell at the market?

It sounds silly, but maybe you could add a merchant that sells slaves (followers). You could then further train them, buy them armor and weapons. At the purchase moment they would only be wearing rags and what not.


Jewelry, rare ingredients, food and alcohol, crappy armor and weapons (on the market stands), clothing, etc.

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from all of tamriel? yeah i would also like that. i think it should be mainly noble families who have a connection with the empire.


any other thoughts for brainstorming?

what should they sell at the market?

It sounds silly, but maybe you could add a merchant that sells slaves (followers). You could then further train them, buy them armor and weapons. At the purchase moment they would only be wearing rags and what not.


Jewelry, rare ingredients, food and alcohol, crappy armor and weapons (on the market stands), clothing, etc.


slavery is forbidden under imperial law, so i guess i cant do that :D

jewelry for the rich imperials and tourists sound awesome! aaah and i got some ideas for the marketplace :D


thank you :)

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from all of tamriel? yeah i would also like that. i think it should be mainly noble families who have a connection with the empire.


any other thoughts for brainstorming?

what should they sell at the market?

It sounds silly, but maybe you could add a merchant that sells slaves (followers). You could then further train them, buy them armor and weapons. At the purchase moment they would only be wearing rags and what not.


Jewelry, rare ingredients, food and alcohol, crappy armor and weapons (on the market stands), clothing, etc.


slavery is forbidden under imperial law, so i guess i cant do that :biggrin:

jewelry for the rich imperials and tourists sound awesome! aaah and i got some ideas for the marketplace :biggrin:


thank you :smile:

No problem; if I think of anything else I will let you know.

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Are you serious? I don't think slavery is forbidden under imperial ruel, you should check out the TES wiki to make sure.

I think it would be a nice idea, but i have no idea how you could make this happen...


-Anyway, I had thought of putting a school in Whiterun once, but i thought it did not really fit.

however, I think that a school, for children of course, in Solitude, would be excellent. It is IMO a really nice idea.


-the expanded market is must have indeed.


-If possible, it would be nice to add smaller stone houses (or simply the same houses but which could contain more than only 1 interior cells) to create a "crowded" town atmosphere (a little more than it is in vanilla)


-embassies should be those of Thalmor and Imperials or Redguards since they are all highly regarded by imperial skyrim power.


-nicer defensive structures?


It's hard because Solitude doesn't have a lot of empty space imo, i personnally had no urgent desire to improve it comparing to Whiterun, Falkreath, winterhold, Ivarstead, etc...


good luck!

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