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Better cities Syrim edition


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There's the city of Blacklight. Which is currently the capital of Morrowind. Blacklight is just due west of Windhelm, through the Dunmeth Pass. :smile:


House Telvanni does still exist, and still hold holdings according to Neloth, the Telvanni Wizard on Solstheim. The exact locations of these "Holdings" is unknown, but that opens up a few windows of possibilities, seeing as how their cities grow from Fungal spores. The Telvanni capital's were Sadrith Mora, on Vvardenfell, and Port Telvannis, which is somewhere far north east of Morrowind on a large island. I think we can assume Sadrith Mora is destroyed though due to the erruption of the red mountain.


blacklight is being done by the beyond skyrim team, but i could at least do a small part of the city.

as for house telvanni i know, that there are no larger settlemets but just smaller holdings.

but that opens up new possibilities for new cities. port tellvanis as far as i know is not destroyed??


I really doubt Port Telvannis is destroyed because it is not really part of the Morrowind mainland. Just thought I'd throw that one out there! :smile:


i know that :smile: that means eventually the argonians did not destroy it because of suplly routes or similar stuff


Hehe yeah, I'd imagine the Argonian's would have their hands full on the Morrowind mainland. I'm not really sure how far into Morrowind they got, though I think I remmember being mentioned of the Argonian's sacking Blacklight, and that is by the northern shore. I can't really say how far from the Morrowind mainland Port Telvannis is, but... considering that "Beyond Skyrim" is going to let us travel to Morrowind, adding content they might not have thought of would be a great boon to us, the players. We won't get conflicts! Here is a modder's resource pack; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34882/? with a ton of Telvanni resource content, if you decide to create it :smile:

Edited by Galandil
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thanks to teammember moozilbee navmesh is now fixed and we found a corrupt mesh on the solitude mainstreet causing a 100% ctd on every time entering solitude.

as soon as this is fixed during todays modding session i will continue to polish some interiors and npcs and then upload version 0.4 this week

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navmeshed is fixed however mozilbee still crashes 100% because of new house meshes added. however on my computer the meshes wont result in a crash.


so i need BETA TESTERS to check this possible error on multiple computers! anyone interested?

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