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Better cities Syrim edition


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As the best Capital city, it should have more of everything than the others. Whiterun for now is the best with 2 forges, a smelter and the others easily accessible. Solitude doesn't. Well it should have alchemy and enchant tables and smelters and forges all over the place. Also add a shop that has every single item in the game, except at higher prices. That means all ingots are available just more expensive. Make it an very expensive but has everything shop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

as mozilbee currently makes all new house interiors more unique and merges the last mods together, I will work on the city outskirts. so far i have added an imperial encampment in front of the first gate near the khajiit place. currently i am working on the "Imperial Office of Census and Commerce", which lays adjacent to the smaller wall. People pay their taxs there, tell the authorities about their enterprises and businesses and about how many people live in each household. I plan to add a ledger to the bureau in which every NPC added by this mod is listed with profession, social status and so on (but that might take some time). Also a huge woodworkshop / carpentry will be added between the two gates. All of these exterior changes will not be in the newest version, but will be added later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After over a year of absence because of real life stuff original mod founder amblingalong is back! He will continue to work on Windhelm and we will have much to discuss with him. Mozilbee works on finishing the mod version of Solitude that we will present to missjennabee as application for the eventual future merge with ETaC and ISms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

as http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59871/? does a way better job than me in designing interiors all changes i made in the early versions of my mod of all vanilla interiors will be reversed.

I don't think I can recall seeing your interior work. However I think you should consider releasing with your work, and allowing compatibility for other modder's interiors. That way people can fix and match by their personal preference, and it will give people a more options ;)

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oh it was just some basic clutter, still better than vanilla but nowhere near the quality of the aforementioned mod, trust me :D this mod will compliment better cities solitude very well and i do not need to worry about also redoing the lackluster vanilla interiors ;)

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oh it was just some basic clutter, still better than vanilla but nowhere near the quality of the aforementioned mod, trust me :D this mod will compliment better cities solitude very well and i do not need to worry about also redoing the lackluster vanilla interiors :wink:

A'ight if you say so! Yes they do look great! :) Do you have any ETA on your mod by the way?

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