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Better cities Syrim edition


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working on v.1 improving interiors of existing shops.


my god bits and pieces is boring oO will only add a little clutter.. but to be honest it is just a simple shop and nothing special.

blacksmith and fletcher will get more attention.

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working on v.1 improving interiors of existing shops.


my god bits and pieces is boring oO will only add a little clutter.. but to be honest it is just a simple shop and nothing special.

blacksmith and fletcher will get more attention.


Add more soldiers :) There are too few of them. Solitude is supposed to be heavy militarized, especially during the civil war.

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will add more soldiers in v.3 ! and spice up castle dour courtyard, too.




v.1 FINISHED! and to be uploaded soon.



-radiant rainment: 1 mannequin, cloths + rugs

-angelines aromatics: filled shelves and placed some stuff on the counter. added 1 shelve at the alchemy station, because this area was so empty

-bits and pieces: not too much, some crates, plates and tankards

-fletcher: 3 bow racks, a work bench (only static, not functional)

-blacksmith (outdoors): coal for the smithy, ingot storage, imperial armors and swords


cleaned with tes5edit!

there should be no bugs for now because there are not many features added yet.

going to sleep now and waiting for amblialong (author of better cities mod) to upload my mod. this will take a day, so keep calm guys ;)


v.2 NEXT!



moving the market stalls down to the main place so i have room for new houses.

adding a stall for a baker and a market guard.

new space will be used in v.25 for a jewelry store and a fancy hotel for rich imperial travellers.


i can confirm for next versions:

school (not only for children!) next to bards college, bathhouse (just behind the first arch where the main road begins, need to check

for final location though), imperial and redguard ambessies, guard patrols and fortified main gate.


v.2 will be easy, but v.25 will take some time, because i don't release unfinished stuff and i think the hotel with all the npcs and first simple dialogues

will definately take some time!



good night everyone!

Edited by TWarrior
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working on v.2 improved market area and main place.


moved the market stalls to the main place. but i seem to have broken roggvirs execution.


maybe, when moving the stalls and placing new objects and deleting old ones, i deleted an item which had a linked reference to the execution somewhere.

svari at the beginning of the execution won't go home, hadvar gets executed, but then no one does something, they all just stand around.


will fix it before releasing v.2 on my nexus profile.

then you guys can test it before it gets uploaded on the better cities mod :)

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I want cities to look BIGGER and a lot more populated. That's a must. I mean c'mon, there's like 350 people in all of Skyrim counting the citizens of each city... I'd at least want 50 NPC's in each city. And all don't have to be inside the wall (for both looks and for performance) some can come in outskirts, specially Whiterun, Windhelm, and Solitude. They need to be seriously expanded.

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first i fix the genrall feel of solitude!

keep in mind that in v.3 comes a new baker and a fully fleshed out fancy hotel with tourists, daily ai routines etc.

i think this is going to be 10-15 npcs added in v.3.


i share the same opinion you have and will work based on that opinion !


i will fix the execution today and maybe even have v.2 uploaded.

then i will work on the bakery and the hotel :smile:



improved castle and fortification including imperial soldiers has been moved to v.4 for example!

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TWarrior, don't forget to make backups, and to use them (the CK does 10 backups of your mod by its own, do you know where they are?) It's really important because it happens a lot to mess things around.


You can press "M" to show or hide Markers, which is EXTREMELY useful!!! for placing clutter especially


The view - collision geometry - can also be really helpful when trying to add stuff upon vanilla clutter. Sometimes, the collision is set higher than the clutter actually appears - and you can't walk on it ingame. By seing the collision geometry, you can know these collision boundaries.


Please do not hesitate if you have questions! There are many little tricks that will help you avoiding annoying mistakes.

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i do backups regularely.

i also found the m key this morning, but thank you :smile:

i will redo the placing of the 3 stalls. it isnt too much work. i think the navmeshing screwed a bit.


i will upload v.1 now on my nexus profile.

it is 18 o' clock now, so enough time to move 3 simple stalls and the corresponding markers.


v.1 uploaded : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33579


now working on v.2 again.

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v.2 nearly done.


sadly auto generating navmesh will make the execution bug out. so i have to adjust the navmesh per hand.


edit: finished navmeshing, uploaded some photos and will now upload v.2

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