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Better cities Syrim edition


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I like the sound of an orc embassy more then a breton one, I could see it having some connection to the strongholds, maybe throw in a map of the stronghold locations?


ANd I can't help but thinking of the one part of better cities, I think it was Balmora mud and blood edition or something, that made the one town REEALLY feel like a scum hole no one would want to live in.


and I had the idea to put a 'roof' over the channel through riften, which would be a floor for the rest of the town, in addition you could add a third level above the market area and to the two story houses for storage of boat and fishing supplies, maybe throw in a 'begger camp'.


throwing in a bunch of random sucken clutter in the water, like broken boats, barrels, crates, bones, maybe a weapon or two, or a dead guy just to make it feel more like a scum hole. Also taking out some of the plants and trying to squish in as much tiny crappy houses and begger shanties as you can here and there, accept for around the few really big fancy houses. This would really show how corrupt of a place Riften is, with the few main people controlling the entire city. making them look fancie, and harder to get into would also add to it.

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aaah you mean the bravil mud and blood edition!


maybe try to do a list about what you want to do first. start on one thing and then slowly move further.


naa i dont like beggars, but low income people with simple riften houses would be really nice to have.

and then next to the palace in riften some upper class houses.

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Beggars would make a lot of sense in Riften, with it being the scum of Skyrim. Hell, I have an idea. Maybe a super scummy,fairly large, extensive sewer system separate from the Ratways where the beggar folk hang about? With a small-medium area outside where they also hang out (equally scummy)? I believe it should be relatively isolated from the rest of the lower area though.

Edited by BloodrendX001
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  • 2 weeks later...

what do we know about the east empire trading company?

do they need a commerce headquarter or something alike?



Well, they've got the headquarters in Windhelm, so I don't think they would be needing another in Solitude. And they've got that massive warehouse too.... Hmmm... That got me thinking. Could you perhaps add to the warehouse? I was thinking more clutter and items and the like.


And another question, will you be making Solitude more of the home of commerce it was supposed to be? I mean more shops and the like, with all kinds of variety of goods.

Edited by BloodrendX001
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@bloodrend thank you for the information on the east empire company! i think the solitude dock disctrict mod adds to the warehouse. i want to keep those mods compatible and thus will not change the warehouse!


Better Cities Solitude will be the city of commerce and imperial sovereignity: thanks to nernies solitude mod (which i am allowed to integrate) we so far have a baker, a book store, an instrument seller and a shoe seller.

also i will add a jewelry store. and dont forget solitude already has a lot of stores and i placed the 3 marketstalls on the main road instead of on the small market place.


i finally have time again to work on my mod after 2 hard weeks of university stuff. i will work on the release of v.3 , which includes a fancy hotel and a jewelry store, small bugfixes, updated navmesh and some improvements of the v.2 features!


release eta: 21.04.2013

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@bloodrend thank you for the information on the east empire company! i think the solitude dock disctrict mod adds to the warehouse. i want to keep those mods compatible and thus will not change the warehouse!


Better Cities Solitude will be the city of commerce and imperial sovereignity: thanks to nernies solitude mod (which i am allowed to integrate) we so far have a baker, a book store, an instrument seller and a shoe seller.

also i will add a jewelry store. and dont forget solitude already has a lot of stores and i placed the 3 marketstalls on the main road instead of on the small market place.


i finally have time again to work on my mod after 2 hard weeks of university stuff. i will work on the release of v.3 , which includes a fancy hotel and a jewelry store, small bugfixes, updated navmesh and some improvements of the v.2 features!


release eta: 21.04.2013


Great to hear! Anyway, I was personally thinking things more on the line with big businesses, sort of like the East Empire Company. Hmmm... Getting some ideas.


Perhaps a company owned by family of very rich merchants from Wayrest, High Rock whose influence reaches all over High Rock, Cyrodiil and Hammerfell, with a presence in Solitude. I was thinking they might deal in all kinds of very high class, expensive goods; including jewelry, furniture, wine, clothing, tableware (silver plates, platters, jugs and the like).... and whatever other high class goods you can think of. Anyway, if such a thing were to be implemented, the goods should be very expensive but some also feature a few unique "perks". Say, I have an idea.


In this shop they sell two items. The first a silver cup (or if you can find a modders resource featuring extremely classy looking cups, go for that) called "The Cup of Beaumont Courtemanche" and the other, a wine called "Beaumont Courtemanche's Goldenhall Vintage". These two are inherently linked, and there should be a book detailing the relationship between the two (the wine is very old, being made in 2E 32). I'd imagine that the Courtemanche would be the exact family of very rich merchants owning the shop (among countless others). Both items should be IMMENSELY expensive (both maybe around 500,000-1,000,000 gold). Anyway, if you buy both the cup and the wine, meet a certain prerequisite (this would be tied to the story behind the wine and cup, but I've no ideas so far except that it should be quite hard) and drink the wine while the cup is in your inventory. When you drink it, you should get a very, very, very awesome permanent effect. One that is worth those expenses. Whatever that may be. But it should be something original and obviously awesome. And, you can only drink the wine once you meet that prerequisite.


Anyway, that's my ideas. I was thinking the establishment would be called "Courtemanche Exquisite Goods and Luxuries, Solitude".

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hmm sounds interesting! i dont know what to think about the wine and the cup but the name is awesome and a conglomerate of rich merchants would fit in solitude.


maybe a trader's guild? there are some mods here on the nexus going in that direction, but some go too far to my opinion.

i have to finish v.3 first.


@all brainstorming for traders guild pls!

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hmm sounds interesting! i dont know what to think about the wine and the cup but the name is awesome and a conglomerate of rich merchants would fit in solitude.


maybe a trader's guild? there are some mods here on the nexus going in that direction, but some go too far to my opinion.

i have to finish v.3 first.


@all brainstorming for traders guild pls!



Well, it doesn't have to be a wine and cup. :biggrin:

Anyway a traders guild would be interesting, though I am not sure how it could be implemented. I'd imagine something called "Solitude Guild of Commerce", where a lot of powerful and very rich merchants would... do whatever they do. Could be some serious quest potential there, though best you leave that till near last. Anyway, I think the building should be quite large and lavish.


But as for the merchants themselves... I'm having many ideas... Have you read A Song of Ice and Fire, or watched Game of Thrones (TV adaption of the book)? Well, imagine all the political intrigue and backstabbing and whatnot but with merchants rather than nobles. And that all goes on in Solitude. I think a fair few of these merchants should also be dealing (partly) in illegal goods (like smuggled weapons and armor, skooma, drugs etc.), besides their more legitimate businesses.

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--solitude guild of commerce. nice one!

--best you leave that till near last. agreed, i can't do quests at the moment, i need to learn that first.

--nope havent watched game of thrones.

--intrigues, backstabbing of merchants and dubious wares. sounds awesome!


also i walked trough solitude and even though nernie used space very well and i added 2 large buildings to solitude i still have plenty of space left for future updates!

Edited by TWarrior
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