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Better cities Syrim edition


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uploaded a test version 2.8!


-first version of Nernies Solitude being merged

-fixed some minor bugs

-added jeweler with house, store and ai packages (no locklist for both buildings yet though)

-navmesh on solitude plaza and main road not fixed yet (only small issues)

-added fancy hotel (interior nearly done, no NPCs yet!)


i finally learned what was causing the ai packages to not work correctly!

now that i got this problem solved i can easily add more npcs and fix the rest of the navmesh.

npcs will not be custom voiced (maybe i plan to add some detail to them later on)


also 2 new pictures for you guys!




Edited by TWarrior
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Great news! By the way, have you played Tribunal. If so, you should remember the Museum of Artifacts. If you haven't played Tribunal, then this Museum is basically a place where you can sell Artifacts (any types, not just Daedric) for a hefty sum, and then they were set on displays. I was thinking you could add something similar to Solitude. For a list of all artifacts: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Artifacts

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sadly i only played morrowind as a child and found the game to be extremely difficult (because i was a kid goddammit :D).

i am waiting for skywind to be released and replay as much of morrowind as possible.


so sadly i did not know about this museum. i knew something similar was in runescape, so however i am familiar with the concept.


i will think about adding something like this later on.


btw do you know the house in windhelm which displays weird stuff the owner got his hands on? :D

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sadly i only played morrowind as a child and found the game to be extremely difficult (because i was a kid goddammit :biggrin:).

i am waiting for skywind to be released and replay as much of morrowind as possible.


so sadly i did not know about this museum. i knew something similar was in runescape, so however i am familiar with the concept.


i will think about adding something like this later on.


btw do you know the house in windhelm which displays weird stuff the owner got his hands on? :biggrin:


Calixto's House of Curiousities?: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Calixto%27s_House_of_Curiosities


Why do you ask?

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just because it remembered me of a museum :biggrin:


Well, I suppose the museum I had in mean was similar but far, far grander, larger and with artifacts such as dawbreaker and the Ebony Blade on display rather a fork Ysgramor used as a soup-spoon (which is still quite awesome). :biggrin:

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Hey, this thread has been inactive for a little while, and I don't mean to necropost, but I'm really looking forward to the version 3 of this mod! You've obviously done a lot of work, and this s#*! looks sick. I've got a bit of experience with the creation kit, tesedit and such from working on Oblivion and the Fallout games, so I'd be happy to help out in any way I can. If you need a lot of voice actors, my friends and I would totally be down. Don't worry, we're all theatre majors/former theatre majors, so we take voice-acting seriously, and we've got the necessary equipment anyways. Just shoot me an email at [email protected] if you think we could be of some use.

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