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Better cities Syrim edition


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wow thank you for that email! sadly university has been bussy lately.

but i will have some free time soon!


your skills with tesedit would be really appreciated , just to make sure my mod is cleaned and has no navmesh problems and so on!

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I would like to see the city more full of buildings instead of waisted space, I wouldn't touch the way the inertia and exterior looks. for the embassy, Bretons and Dark elvs

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Ah that reminds me, if you are going to have an embassy I think it should be Dark Elves. Bretons are all wild Forsworn right now, the Thalmor have an embassy, Imperials own the city in general, and in the mean time Morrowind has exploded and the Dark Elves don't really have anywhere to go.


So I think them having one would be appropriate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with the people who want a Dark Elf embassy. Torygg invited them to Skyrim, so it makes sense that there would be an embassy.


It wasn't Torryg who gave the Dunmer Solstheim. That happened waaaay before (4E 16). Anyway, I'm not sure about a Dunmer embassy. Morrowind is quite far off and the Dunmer are known for the xenophobia and isolationism. This probably would have increased with Red Mountain, and the Argonian invasion.

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  • 1 month later...

long time no post here!


i updated the main post and am currently redoing the whole mod.

navmesh has t be done, otherwise you guys will ctd!


fortunately i just started with my mod , so restarting isnt too bad.

tsewe had to fix so many bugs with navmesh etc in his newer version that it took way more time to fix them then to develop most of the mod.

so he messaged me in advance to do it right the first time and not fix it afterwards!


that means you guys will get a better and more stable version, yet you will get it later...

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so lets see all the races:


orcs: will be the first embassy in my mod

kajhiit: supressed or in the aldmeri dominion

redguards: refused whitegold concordat, solitude does not want to anger the altmer, thus no redguard embassy

argonians: ????

breton: one of the high rock states maybe?

altmer: already have one

bosmer: ????

dunmer: being discussed. well which of the great houses? redoran or telvanni, the rest of hlaluu?

imperials: castle dour

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really looking forward to seeing v3!


Orcish Embassy sounds like a fun spot to visit!


Your notes mention 'merging Nermies mod' - does this inculde the exterior buildings for Solitude or just the interior?


Question- is there any unfinished Bard Guild quests (or a mod?) you could inculde to beef up the lackluster Guild?


Any plans for used the unused version of Pelagus Wing? http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Test_Cells and http://imgur.com/a/FkLmY Perhaps a dungeon/quest into the older (current building is a replacement) Blue Place?


Finally- can I suggest adding this mod into yours? It is based of another unsed cell, but does add to the Solitude skyline! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32407//?

Edited by hornedbear
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