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Better cities Syrim edition


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i merged nernies solitude changes for the outside and inside of the city. so the shops near the port are also in my mod now!

hmm i will think of quests later. i might find a way to read out information on unused quests.


after weeks of studying and working i finally have time to work on my mod again!

also i redid it from scratch, to avoid navmesh issues, which i had in the first build.

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after weeks of studying and working i finally have time to work on my mod again!


Woohoo! That's great news! =D

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i am making huge progress with interiors, npcs, clutter etc.

restarting from scratch really was a good idea.


i only have one problem: i need someone to do the navmesh for me, as it takes too much time to learn and i want to spend my time on more important things in the mod.

the second problem: without the navmesh npcs wont be able to follow their daily AI routines.

i am really nearing release of v0.3 and even included ideas from v0.4 (imperial army stuff), but i need that annoying navmesh to be done.


whoever wants to do it gets credited on the mod page as a contributor!


thank you guys in advance,



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well there will be a little performance hit, as all the market stalls are now on the main street as soon as you enter the city. all the ai routines will put stress on your cpu,

but i didnt add that much clutter and plants, so gpu load should only increase a bit.


keep in mind that ai routines are fairly heavy and i also used interesting npcs and inconsequential npcs in my video.

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fps hit on my rig at ingame peak hours is only 6.


i replaced a lot of buildings and changed the layout a little bit.

progress is going really well.


sadly i can only continue modding on monday because my girlfriend is visiting from overseas.


also before releasing version 0.4 , which is going to be way better than current version 0.28,

i need someone who is experienced with navmeshing.

the thing is: i need to replace vanilla navmesh, as i do not make a whole new city but wotk with

existing navmeshes. as you sure all know good navmeshes are the keys to preventing "random" ctds

in your mods. i know how to to basic navmeshes for houses etc, but touching vanilla stuff seems to

be far more dangerous and you have to progress thoughtfully.


so yeah: if there are any experienced modders who know how to navmesh , could you please

post here or pm me?! full credit will be given!

Edited by TWarrior
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