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Mannequin Problem - Tried Everything I Can Find - Need Help


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OK, I'm trying to add a Mannequin to another person's house mod, but it isn't working.


Here is what I have done:

  • Added a PlayerHouseMannequin, placed where I want in it's own little, separate navmesh triangle.

  • Added an XMarkerHeading.

  • In the PlayerHouseMannequin, added a LinkedRef to the XMarkerHeading with no keyword.

  • in the XMarkerHeading, added a LinkedRef to the PlayerHouseMannequin with no keyword.

  • From the Trigger menu, added a MannequinActivateTrig.

  • in the MannequinActivateTrig, selected Player Activation on the Primitive tab.

  • In the PlayerHouseMannequin, added the MannequinActivateTrig to the Activate Parent tab and selected Player Activation Only.

  • Stacked everything, with plenty of room around the Mannequin for the Trigger.

  • Saved ESP

  • Closed Creation Kit.

  • Loaded Skyrim

  • Loaded save outside of cell with new Mannequin.

  • Entered cell with new Mannequin.

  • Tried to Activate new Mannequin and cannot.

There are three other Mannequins in the cell (without XMarkerHeadings, and yes, I've tried not using one) set up the same way as above and they work fine.

What am I doing wrong?

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Ok, oddly enough it seems to have something to do with WHERE it was. I moved the Mannequin to a different spot in the room, rotated it about 90 degrees, and it now works.


Why? Is it the angle or the location?

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