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What are the things on peoples walls in Skyrim supposed to be?


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Are you talking about those Native American witchcraft looking things? I thought those were weird too. Doesn't seem very Nordish to me.

These are the ones I meant. I'm wondering their name because I want to place some on the walls of my house in Creation Kit.

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Are you talking about those Native American witchcraft looking things? I thought those were weird too. Doesn't seem very Nordish to me.


Perhaps a dreamcatcher, though I doubt that spiritual belief carries over to Elder Scrolls lore. I'd think just tapestries, after all painting is not prominent in Skyrim, and if it were it would be relegated to the wealthy.


They're not dreamcatchers. They look more like south american Ojas de Dios, though not quite. They don't look like anything I've seen around here in Scandinavia, though I'll have to remember to ask my mother when next I see her; she might know if we have something similar.


They're obviously woven, anyway, from straw from the looks of it - some kind of small wall carpets. They may function a some kind of ward against spirits (we're talking about a world were running into demons and ghosts isn't at all unusual, after all) but it's also possible they are purely decorative. Possibly both, in that most people don't believe they do anything but put them on their walls because its part of their culture.


Really, I like them. They give a hint of a wider world of Nordish traditions and make their society seem more real.

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