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I sometimes use nudity mods for "shits and giggles" but most of the time they just annoy me or I don't really notice after a short while. Personally I don't really appreciate games with nudity out of context with tits on the walls as a previous poster nicely put it, however sometimes it just fits well and as such it's nice to have to option of adding to my game - for instance the raiders getting "nudified" instead of wearing underwear when you strip them down of their armour after having blown them to pieces.


Conversely, I rarely use mods where characters walk around with their "privates" as their "publics" as that just isn't very realistic for most settings. Most civilized people (you can of course debate if raiders are civilized) wear clothing not only to cover their nudity up, but also to protect their skin - crawling on the ground with your nipples or penis scraping along it for instance, would probably be painful to most people and as such clothing is worn to protect against chafing or other damage that might otherwise occur.


As for "sexual acts" I feel pretty much the same way. If it fits into context and is well implemented, then sure I'll use it for fun and it might even become part of my "regular" mod line-up. On the other hand, mods that add gratiutious sex and explicit scenes, poorly implemented like a bad pornogprahic movie, don't really do it for me and chances are that I won't bother using it at all as it doesn't entertain me.


I think the first two Fallout games handled sexual content very well, allowing your character to use it to progress in the game at some points and at others it'd have massive consequences like your character getting forced into marriage at shot-gun point... while at the same time leaving the sexual act itself "implicit", only implying that it actually happened by how the rest of the game world reacted to your character. I don't know why Bethesda didn't look how the first games did sexual content, but considering the overall quality of Bethesda's quest and story writers I'm not really surprised that sex is a a pretty much unhandled subject in Fallout 3.


In any case, what other modders do with their time and resources and what mods other players use is for their game is their business - I just like to have the option of adding nudity to my game should I so desire. :)

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enkephalin07 - True, but my major downfall is the inability to be able to hear voice tones with purely text. You could say something in pure jest, and someone else could read it as being serious or vice versa. :) Misunderstanding.


Still, I hold by my points. Bethesda makes sex Taboo, but the first two handled it tastefully. A major flaw in Fallout 3 if you ask me. As Baelkin said, at certain points it could be used to progress in a unique way, yet there was no explicit scenes.

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