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Fallout 3 Stutter Remover and VATS Lag


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Hi. I'm using the Fallout 3 Stutter Remover and I've read in a few posts that it can help prevent that Vats lag sometimes referred to as 'Vats Calculation pause' when the game freezes for a few seconds before the target percentages show. I find this pause really annoying because I'm used to using vats rapidly and on the fly.

Anyway, if I use FO3 Stutter Remover and set the max framerate to 50 fps or lower then the Vats lag problem is completely fixed ... but the graphics turn into a juddery mess.

I'm playing this on a big screen plasma with 600hz refresh rate. I can add that console games running at 60 fps look amazing, while all my other 30fps games look terrible. I starting to understand that anything other than 60 fps looks juddery on a 600hz plasma.


So, is there anyway to fix this Vats lag and still run at 60+ frames per second.


I'm new to playing with mods so I'm thankful for any advice. I've been searching this topic for a few weeks but can't find much info that isn't 4 years old and a dead end thread.

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VATS lag actually has a very simple fix:


If you are using an Nvidia card: Go to the Nvidia Control Panel, then go to "Manage 3D settings", and in the Global Settings tab select "Maximum pre-rendered frames" and change its value to "1".




If you are using an ATI card: download Radeon Pro: http://www.radeonpro.info/downloading/ , then open it and go to the Advanced Tab, there is the "Flip queue size" bar, slide it to the value "1".

Edited by hello987654321
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