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alternative for sands of time my question to the community


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hello reader of this topic,


i'm kinda new to this forum despite the fact that i used nexus for years now. So i tried my best posting it in the right topic and searched of the forum so i wouldn't make "Another post about this" thx for your time :biggrin:


A while ago i downloaded and tweaked sands of time to make it more stable, at least, so i thought.


Yet, my game still crashes at times, and to me that was a main reason to get rid of it (deactivating it since the maker of the mod claims it cant be deleted for old saved games). BUT, i really liked the concept of more enemies spawning and just that. I don't really care about the attacks while traveling or sleeping.


so my question is!:


Is there a good alternative for Sleeping - Fast Travel - Waiting - Walking Dangers and Increased Spawns- Sands of Time ?


Good day,



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