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animation file not working


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So I found a way to modify animations by blender, nifskope (with the installed Qskope) and i was trying to export animations. I did. It works in nifskope, and the files are named properly to site root, but I can't figure out why, in game, it doesn't seem to work. I'm a relatively new at animation files, and yes I have read plenty of tutorials, but the tutorials don't necessarily help with know-how.


Anyway, what I did was, I edited an already EXISTING animation from Seph's hand to hand animation(which came with extra sets of kick animation), and specifically, I found a kick animation I wanted to modify. I did so by deleting sections of animation in NLA viewing and only wanted a few frames of the stance before the kick, editing the text to start at frame 1 and end in frame 10, i believe, I renamed it "handtohandidle.kf" . And then from there exported the animation. Checked with NIFSKOPE, and it didn't seem like it needed a rename (then again, i don't know much about NIFskope... so then i tried it on Oblivion. Animation doesn't work, no CTD or any wierd effects happening other than, instead of hand to hand idle animation, I just have the guy standing as if nothings happened and there is no combat (basic idle).


So I ask you, mod experts, what is my next step? I would really appreciate the help. :thanks:


here is the kf file. It has not been further modified (I haven't changed its speed yet as I don't know how) and will try to work on getting it to work, but I don't really get it.



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