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Mod to Fix Visual Bug From 'Multiple Weapons On Back'.ini Edit


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For those of you who don't already know, there is a mod (well, really just an .ini edit) that allows the PC to visibly equip any weapons (one of each type) that are favorited: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25162


It is a very simple and very necessary tweak, in my opinion, but it has one pitfall; both the NPC's and the player suffer from a visual glitch when switching weapons without first sheathing the currently equipped one where the previously equipped weapon visually clips over the one switched to. This isn't a huge problem for the player as they can choosedly sheath their weapon before switching, however NPC's obviously don't. This means that enemy archers always look like they are swinging their bow at you when they switch to their dagger. This should be able to be addressed by a small mod that adds a script forcing NPC's to sheath before switching weapons.


As a novice to the CK I do not know how to do that. I know a couple basic things in the CK and I have fiddled around with scripts for the ATTT mod (before I found out about this .ini edit) but I never actually made my own scripts for anything. I was wondering if somebody could either make a mod with a script like the one described OR offer me some guidance on how I might go about doing so.


Does such a script exist already? (I am thinking it does since there are certain instances where both the player and NPC's are forced to sheath their weapon before interacting with particular objects or doing particular actions). Would it be possible to utilize that script in the manner I have indicated? Thoughts and/or help is welcome.


Thanks in advance!


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