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Flying and fall damage


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This has probably been discussed already but a swift search hasn't revealed anything. I wondered if anyone "in the know" could either make a mod, or point me toward where I can work such a thing out myself, to enable actual flight, and not just gliding with the wing suit. I realise the physics behind it is likely quite complex, but I'd love the opportunity to zip thru the air, without fall damage (at least while wingsuit is deployed), including going up and not just down. Control while flying should be significantly increased for esasy, responsive turning and if possible, the ability to hover in place would be amazing. Being able to use weapons while in the air would be a wonderful bonus, but by no means is that important.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just came to the board to request the exact same hing. Id say it would be already enough if you could simply have a jetpack or something that would give you a limited boost while hitting sprint. Something that charges you where your mosue is pointing, potentially with a cooldown. You could nicely pair that with the the gliding mechanics. Maybe something like a rocket pack with a fixed fuel tank which governs how far you charge and refills over time. I wouldnt need any fancy effects or animations for that though....


To make it clear what I mean, just like the thruster from JK 2:


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"> Edited by xyks
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just came to the board to request the exact same hing. Id say it would be already enough if you could simply have a jetpack or something that would give you a limited boost while hitting sprint. Something that charges you where your mosue is pointing, potentially with a cooldown. You could nicely pair that with the the gliding mechanics. Maybe something like a rocket pack with a fixed fuel tank which governs how far you charge and refills over time. I wouldnt need any fancy effects or animations for that though....

I like the idea, particularly as it follows on from my original post. Though my understanding is that the game is unlikely to be quite so moddable. Without a toolset, I don't think such a large addition could be done. Most mods I've noticed seem to be "a bunch of tweaks" with an overalll theme (eg. challenge, immersion, balance, etc). It's a bloody good idea though.


It would even just be helpful for starters, to know where one might find anything related to the existing gliding mechanics. Perhaps on seeing the numbers and values it will easier to experiment, tweak and modify turning, gravity, fall damage, etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone tried Just Cause 2 with the

? It expanded on the motors' function.. And made the character "fall" forwards.. Of course FC3 wouldn't need anything as extensive, since the flight mechanics are mostly there already..


I found it to be a more than an awesome experince, especially with the first person mod. It completely changed the game to something more fun.. Extremely unbalanced.. but F U N!


Since the first time I got the wingsuit in FC3 I've been praying to the gods of gaming for a flying mod, I want to be the Superman of Rook Island :D


Of course I understand that a mod which would add a feature such as flight would heavily unbalance the game, but the sheer fun of flying through radio towers would make me a happier than ANY OTHER MOD IN ANY GAME, EVER! Please, someone make it, or teach me how to do it! :D

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  • 7 months later...

was looking to simply disable fall damage when using wingsuit (apparently its not falldamageA/B/C/D) because gliding into something like the ground after diving off a hill at like 3 feet kills you =-/


But FLYING would be sweet! Just use the wingsuit for starters, Jump, equip, boost up, accel from rear and fly like the glide mechanic, but able to go up as well.


Maybe S or Down key could decell and W or Up could accel once in air? Would like to see this, I'm just tinkering w/ the codes myself.

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