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Does anyone know if player made (crafted) enchantments are given the 'MagicDisallowEnchanting' keyword? '


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Hmmm, but Harkon only carries 2 pieces of enchanted gear.....that said, Miraak and the Ebony Warrior are packed with enchanted gear.....

Oh well, part of me wants to do this simply for the enhanced difficulty.....put the player on a more even playing field with the NPCs/Actors.

*An issue with using the Effect+Keyword way of doing my mod are items that contain more than 1 enchantment! So, an item that contains 2-3 enchantments would result in 2-3 instances of that keyword = going nuts with dual enchanting (which most players do) would result in some crazy levels of magic resistance weakness..

.....or maybe this is how it should be lol!

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Hmmmm, just thought I'd offer an alternative. Another way to balance this would be just to give npc's more enchanted gear. You could do this with the skse function CreateEnchantment: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=WornObject_Script, maybe at the start of combat find a few random actors with FindRandomActorFromRef(ObjectReference arCenter, float afRadius) and enchant some of their gear. Or, if you don't want to use skse, you could give them a leveled item that contains enchanted gear. They'll most likely equip it if it's better gear than they currently have. Just a thought.

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....that's actually a pretty good idea! ...harder to do than what I as planning on doing, but still...

I would try to avoid SKSE...so that leaves enchanted items for their gear.....

Hmmm....but then the problem becomes how much $$$$$$$$ the player will make selling all this gear after they kill even simple bandits.....grrrr!

.....so maybe I'll stick with the 'wearing magic items increa....


Oh Damn! I just realized that there is already a mod that (partially) addresses what I'm trying to do!



This mod actually reduces the power of enchanted gear considerably.....so it makes more sense that NPCs simply wouldn't bother with a bunch of enchantments....since they can't stack = they'd only stick with a few powerful enchantments....

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Well...No Stacking Enchantments doesn't actually REDUCE enchantment power....but it would provide a Lore Based reason why you don't see NPCs with 4x stacking enchantments that increase their attack damage, or reduce their casting cost to 0, or give themselves 500HP.......


AND it would put the Dragonborn on a more level playing field with the rest of the NPCs/Actors.....

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