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Killcam CTD - Custom Spell


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The below problem appears to be an issue with the 'Impact Data Set'. Modifying the Impact Data for the Spell Effect corrected this issue. I also had to change the ballista bolt projectile to 'Missile'. This also corrected the upward arcing projectile when dual cast.


See Below for original issue.




I'm trying to develop a concentration based conjuration spell that launches arrows to damage targets. The normal arrows work fine (mostly;) although I had to create a spell that does damage per second as opposed to actually creating the arrow (to inflict correct damage) which is what I originally wanted. The killcams for these arrows work just fine.

The problem I have is the master level spell which uses "fire and forget" to cast a single ballista bolt. I'm currently using the TrapDweBallistaBolt06 projectile - named "TrapDweBallistaBolt06SL" with the explosion removed. It is set to 'Arrow' instead of 'missile'. This makes the actual ballista bolt stick into whatever it contacts.

The spell and the ballista bolt itself work acceptably well. They damage and kill targets as they are supposed to. My problem comes in during the killcam where I receive a crash to desktop. I have tried trading out the projectile for a different one (TrapDweBallistaBolt01SL was used before), extracting and renaming the .nif to the arrows' mesh directory, and playing with the various projectile settings. Other than the fact the arrows appear to have an attached animation file - though I believe this is just the 'tracer' - nothing appears to change between the two projectiles.

I've also verified that it is indeed the ballista projectile. If I switch to say the icy spear projectile, the killcam functions normally.


I have an additional and somewhat amusing issue - when dual casting these spells, the arrows arc upward of all things. I attached the .esp as a zip file. It's technically a .zipx but for some reason the site didn't like it, so I renamed it. The books to teach the spells are in the Whiterun player home on the table.



Thank you,


Edited by Sunaris
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