Destructor240 Posted March 16, 2013 Share Posted March 16, 2013 So my problem is that every time after arround 15 miuntes no matter where i am or what i do my game crashes without any error message or any other reason.I have arround 230 mods installed so looking for the one mod or the two which cause the ctd will take ages and ages.So if anyone has a clue how to speed that process up or knows what could cause this please tell me :Dthanks in advance for all answers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulon Posted March 16, 2013 Share Posted March 16, 2013 230 mods is well past the stable limit, which is around 155 or so, if I recall correctly. It's no wonder you're crashing. :P First, a copy of your load order would be helpful. And do you have Papyrus logging enabled? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destructor240 Posted March 16, 2013 Author Share Posted March 16, 2013 (edited) No i dont have papyrus logging ald the list will follow shortly and i realized the mod manager was showing more mods than i had installed cause half of them were doubled no idea why tho Edited March 16, 2013 by Destructor240 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destructor240 Posted March 16, 2013 Author Share Posted March 16, 2013 GameMode=SkyrimSkyrim.esmUpdate.esmJSwords.esmcustomGraph.esmDrowCompanions.esmmoonpath.esmApachiiHair.esmDawnguard.esmOmegared99-Compilation.esmBBLuxurySuite.esmAP Skyrim.esmAsharaDimonizedDress.esmCLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esmRaceCompatibility.esmDirectorsTools.esmClimatesOfTamriel.esmDragonborn.esmDarkAtronach.espzzz_Jenassa_MAKEOVER_by83Willow.espAlduin's son.espAngelic_Demonic.espApachiiHairStyles.espApachiiHairStylesELVES.espArrowsOfLight.espBarenziahQuestMarkers.espBlades_of_Chaos.espCrainteVomir.espDeadlyDragonsArmory.espDouble Axes Standalone.espDragonbone Weapons.espDread Knight Weapon Set.espDwemerAutoBlade.espEtherealEdge.espEzEWorldMap.espFS_AngelsInSkyrim.espMannequin.espGizmodian-Obliviweapons.espRealFireArrows.espHideout.esmGreenWaterFix.esparmored-horses.espviciousdawnbreaker.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espPeople Have Lanterns.esplongercandlelight.espMidasSkyrim.espDudestiaMultiMarriages.espNorthborn Fur Hoods.espRingoftheTimeLords.espShadow Striping Fix.espSpells Cast Light.espThe Asteria - Dwemer Airship.esptorches for realistic lighting.espdovahkiinrelax.espGatti3Evilrose.espR18Pn - Diano Armor.espDogsofskyrim.espCatsofskyrim.espASX - Spells.espScythe Weapon mingyannu.espWhiterunREVISION.espWhiterunFortified.espRRBetterWhiterunInt.espEncryptions Water Arrow.espBehemoth Dragon.espmoonpath_questdata.espEternalShineArmorAndWeapons.espsmash locks and more.espDr_Bandolier.espBuildableHouse.espNaughty Books.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.espLanterns Of Skyrim - Bridges x2 - OnOff.espLeeloo_Monokini.espUFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons.espdd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.espLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One 2x brighter.espLanterns Of Skyrim - Around Cities_bright.espZazimelDrow.espCloaks.espCloaks - No Imperial.espCloaks - Player Only.espASX_Spells.espTribunal Robes by Zairaam.espBlade_of_Olympus.espSoS - Civilization.espBetter Dynamic Snow.espMomoDash.espSkyRe_Combat.espSkyRe_EncounterZones.espSkyRe_EnemyAI.espSkyRe_EnemyScaling.espSkyRe_Lighting.espSkyRe_Main.espSkyRe_DreadKnightWeaponSet_0.99.espSkyRe_Plugin_JaySuSSwords_1.3D.espSkyRe_Races.espSkyRe_StandingStones.espCrimson Tide - Blood.espHell Sword.espBBLSapachii.espWATER.espWATER - Get Wet.espSkyRe_Vampirism.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espThe Dance of Death.espOmegared99-WeaponSets.espDaedricCrossbow.espAdamantineCrystalArmor.espDarklilith.espDynasty Armor.espGatti2Misogi.espGattiBondage0.espnavetsea female face preset.espSpriggan Armor 2.espSuccubusCBBE3GiftByNausicaa.espSummonSuccubus.espTribalGlass.espFNISspells.espDragonboneCrossbow.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espAvatar of Baltazar.esplilithssickle_2_0.espNightingaleCrossbow.espSuccubusRace.espAvatar Of Grenth.espUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.espBlackTowerUpdate.espBBLuxurySuiteExt.espBBLSVisitors.espBBLSspouse.espBBLSHousecarlsmovein.espBBLSmusic.espBlackSacramentArmor.espDread Huntress Armor.espDEATH-DEALER.esplilithscarver2_1.esplilithsdisemboweler.esplilithsslayer.espConanSwords.espTundra Defense.espBlaze Of Eventide.espFullBootForKKSA.espFlameAtronachArmor.espHentaisJamellaArmor.espDovahkiin Mercenary Armor and Weapons CBBE.espHentai_mixed_Armor.espDaedric Extra Armor.espsextoys-calyps-2.espSovngarde Steel Armor and Weapons.espHallsOfDovahndor.espLustmordVampireArmor.espRemodeled Armor.espSweet&Sexy Lingerie.espSilverlight Armor.espAngelina Jolie.espLeiFangAndChristieByNausicaa.espXRCO.espNeo'sTinaByNausicaa.espWickedBlade.espDK_Armor_By_Hothtrooper44.espsvs L&M.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espDHuntress.espKCEDeathBell.espLingerieSetCBBE3_2ByNausicaa.espWarmer Magic Lights v2 - Big.espVampireLeatherArmorSet.espViceroyInquisitor.espPrometheus_BeastSkeletons.espMontures Monstres.espDemonHunterV2armor.espDirectorsTools_FogUnlocker.espPinups.espPinups2.espPinups3.espPinups4.espPinups5.espBlack Overlord Armor Set.espClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.espIridum Eyes by Halendia.espNS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.espMedusa and Drakul Armors.espWyrmstooth.espKKFur.espTeraArmors-CBBEByNausicaa.espsvs Princess of Thieves.espDragonCombatOverhaulDragonBornPatch.espDragonCombatOverhaul.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulon Posted March 16, 2013 Share Posted March 16, 2013 To enable Papyrus logging, just go into your 'Skyrim_default.ini' in your main Skyrim folder and edit the text under the Papyrus section so it looks like this - [Papyrus]fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0bEnableLogging=1bEnableTrace=1bLoadDebugInformation=1 After a while of playing, you should start getting Papyrus logs. It's a good way of tracking bugs and figuring out what might have caused you to crash. It's not fool-proof, and it doesn't necessarily mean the last line of your log is what caused you to crash, but it's helpful in figuring out what might've caused the CTD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulon Posted March 16, 2013 Share Posted March 16, 2013 (edited) Okay, so, right off the bat, it looks like you have some stuff loaded incorrectly. 'Green water fix' should be loaded after the WATER mods, and Dawnguard and Dragonborn should be loaded right after your update.esm. Also, CoT Interiors Warm should most likely be loaded right after Climates of Tamriel.esm. I'm sure you have other instances of stuff being loaded in a conflicting manner, but I'm too lazy to go through that entire list and figure it out. I'd also highly recommend you download and install the unofficial patches for Skyrim, Dawnguard, and Dragonborn, so long as you follow the installation instructions and put them in the right order. :P Also, you should download BOSS to help sort your load order. How stable, generally, is your game within the 15 minutes you can play before you crash? Edited March 17, 2013 by Vulon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destructor240 Posted March 17, 2013 Author Share Posted March 17, 2013 runs smooth (my pc can handle it with all the enhanced gfx and enb at around 30 fps) i was able to play 20 min right now and tried to finish the first dragonborn mission but it crashed on me while i was inside the cave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulon Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Did you enable Papyrus logging? If so, you should have a log now. If you take a look at it, you should be able to get a sense of what's causing you to CTD in particular by paying attention to warnings and the like. Aside from using BOSS to sort and manage your load order, I can't really suggest much else at the moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vikmourne Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 (edited) Hi. I think I'm having the same problem. I'm having random CTDs while outdoors.- The crash could happen anywhere between 5 minutes to 20 minutes after stepping outside.- I haven't seen it occur in Solstheim (aside from a random CTD after a 4 hour "Wait")- I do not get any notice or dialog box related to the crash- I've tried turning on Papyrus logs but they don't seem to be working properly? (The modified dates on the logs are at least a week ago) Here is my mod load order: GameMode=Skyrim Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmApachiiHair.esmClimatesOfTamriel.esmSPIKE.esmBrawl Bugs CE.espunofficial skyrim patch.espunofficial dawnguard patch.espUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.espUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.espChesko_Frostfall.espbetter dynamic snow.espClanking Armor.espIceBreaker's Improved Reverb-v0.02-Cleaned.espImproved Combat Sounds v2.2.espthe real fus ro dah.esprealrainCoT.espMintyLightningMod.espMintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.espenhanced soundtrack 02.espenhanced soundtrack 01.espWeapons and Armor fixes.espWeapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.espEconomics of Skyrim.espEconomics of Skyrim - Dawnguard.espArmored Skeleton.esparrowsstick.espbetter embers.espBirds.espbladesfactionfix.espBLESSINGS - Altar Descriptions.espChesko_WearableLantern.espCrossbowsRevamped.espDead Body Collision.espDSpSoB.espEternalTorch.espimprovedskillbooks.espimprovedquestbooks.espImmersive Brigands.espImmersive Dawnguard.espImmersive Factions.espImmersive Mercenaries.espImmersive Patrols.espImmersive Travelers.espImmersive Werewolves.espitem sorting with weightless items.espknownspells.espktxcompleteskyforge.esplanterns of skyrim - all in one.espUnlimitedBookshelves.espMoss Rocks.espPeople Have Torches.espRealShelter.espskyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.espwerewolvesofskyrim.espConvenient Horses.espFootprints.espWetandCold.espWetandCold - Ashes.espSkyUI.espblack mage armor.esp1nivWICCloaks.espdragonpriestmasks.esptwohanded dawnbreaker.espUnique Uniques.espvagabondarmor.espwarchiefarmor.espDr_Bandolier.espHarvestOverhaul.espHarvestOverhaulDawnguard.espHarvestOverhaulCreaturesDawnguardHearthfire.espbettercitiesjarlshouses.espbettercitiesdocksolitude.espbetterdawnstar.espbettermarkarthexterieur.espbettermorthal.espbetterwinterhold.espBreezehomeshelves02.espImmersive Events.espRiften Small.espSBT Smal2.espSBT Smal1.espSBT Smal3.espAcquisitive Soul Gems.espAchieveThat.espBetterQuestObjectives.espBetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.espBetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.espbr_hoodcirclets.espdynamicmerchants.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.espHeadtracking.espnosalt.espOpenFaceGuardHelmets.espProper Aiming.espdd - enhanced blood main.espstronger daedric artifacts.espstupidlysimplemining.espthe_god_auriel.espUnreadBooksGlow.espbetterravenrock.espEnhancedLightsandFX.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Illuminated Spells.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.espClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.espdd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.espbetter vampires.espDragonFire.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espRealistic crime report radius.espDuel - Combat Realism.espDragonCombatOverhaul.espDragonCombatOverhaulDragonBornPatch.espThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.espSkyrim Perk Enhancements.espSPERG Dawnguard Patch.espBeards.espazarhair.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espUFO - Dawnguard AddOn.espUFO - Heartfire AddOn.espUFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons.espreduced distance npc greetings.espxced.espgetSnowy.espPurewaters.espPurewatersDG.espPurewatersDB.espWaves.esparvakskull-marker.espbarenziahquestmarkers.espimpatienceofasaint-markers.espminemapmarkers.espskyforge_map_marker.espsmakit_house_markers.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.espwood elf speed.espstormcloakrobes.espMageBackpack_byTumbajamba.espIHSS.espDaggerSounds4Daggers.espimperialrobes.espBFT Ships and Carriages.espDragonbornDockMarkers.espSkaalKidAetaCoat.esp I am noticing some mods in my list that are also in OP's list: ApachiiHair.esmClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.espClimatesOfTamriel.esmDr_Bandolier.espDragonCombatOverhaul.espDragonCombatOverhaulDragonBornPatch.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.espUFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espdd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.esp Provided it's the same CTD, could one of those be the culprit? Edited March 17, 2013 by Vikmourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destructor240 Posted March 18, 2013 Author Share Posted March 18, 2013 My problem right now is that i played for 15 mins or so with the logs turned on then the game crashed so i went to look what happend but theres only on log in the folder that says:[04/02/2012 - 02:40:08PM] EditorPapyrus log opened (PC)[04/02/2012 - 02:40:08PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[04/02/2012 - 02:40:22PM] Log closedthats it nothing more just that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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