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Confused about settlement respawn.


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Idle thoughts. I know the bodies of the molerats at Red Rocket have a habit of sticking around. If an npc spawns outside the build zone but dies inside it, do they (in the vanilla game) never despawn? I should remember this. Thanks.
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It depends on what NPC we're talking about.



Are they?


1. Created during gameplay (their RefID starts with FF). If so, then are they a ReferenceAlias? If so, are they flagged as "temporary" or not? Or spawned by a script with the "PlaceAtMe()" function?


2. Vanilla or mod added objects.



In short, most NPCs despawn (like Raiders after a Settlement attacks). But some of them aren't.. (like the feral ghouls in Sunshine Tidings co-op). In the console, you can click on them and type "disable".


If NPCs like random generic Raiders (not the settlement attackers) run into one of your settlement and die there, they will respawn (not in your settlement). As I said, it depends on a lot of things..

Edited by LarannKiar
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