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CTD when trying to walk to certain places


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This is a common error in Skyrim, where walking into certain areas cause immediate CTD (for me, this always happens on road running along the base of the Throat of the World). I don't know whether it's caused by mods or is just a bug with Vanilla Skyrim (or in your case, Dragonborn) because I have so many mods and so never tried to uninstall them one-by-one to diagnose which may be causing the problem. The "remedy" for this is just avoid the area causing the crash (Fast Travel!) or, if the problem is serious and game-breaking (I can't go to location X for quest Y!) you need to go through your mods one-by-one and uninstall them to see if any of them may be the problem. Sorry I don't have any better advice :confused:

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the best way i have found for troubleshootin mods is to disable half your plugins and return to the area in question...if you do not get the CTD then you know the problem lies in the half disabled...repeat process again until your narrow it down.

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