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Certain mods not working


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I'm pretty new at the whole modding thing so please be patient with me. I installed a few mods for Oblivion, a couple of armor mods and a weapons mod. The weapons mod worked fine. It was right where it was supposed to be. But none of the armor mods work. What I noticed was when I checked off a mod in the Oblivion Mod Manager, it would uncheck it in the Data Files folder in the Oblivion launcher. I've tried checking and unchecking in both the MM and the launcher but no matter what I try, the armor mods will not work. Please help me and my noobishness?
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Well, usually it only works in either Data Files OR OBMM

Read the Readme that is usually provided by the mod-maker, it explains everything. May I know which armor mod are you referring to?

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