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Guides for creating retextured armor?


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I hope this is the right place.


Anyway, I've been derping around the internet trying to find a guide on how to create armor using a Skyrim armor model and a recolored version of it's texture. Not overwrite, actually create a "copy" of that armor, just with different colors and name. And since I may be using the Nightingale or Blackguard armor, I would also need a way to get rid of the comments that guards might make about it as they wouldn't be quite as accurate. Does anyone know a tutorial or guide that could help, as well as what programs I would need? Sorry to bother.

Edited by FennecFyre
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Managed to delete my response. OTL


The gist is this: making a "new" armor in this manner just involves hooking up new textures to the mesh, duplicating an ArmorAddOn in the Creation Kit, and hooking up the "new" model to it. And making the new armor with the stats and enchantments you'd like. It's really very similar to doing a basic retexture - such as this tutorial describes - and just renaming a few files. There are manymanymany retexturing tutorials out there, so I will leave you to find one that suits your needs. You may also benifit from a tutorial describing how to create new items within the CK, since what you want to do is just a combination of these two concepts. I'm uncertain of how to get rid of comments on your armor - but I suspect this has to do with keywords on the armor piece. You probably just need to remove "ArmorNightingale" from the duplicated armor's keywords in the CK.


As far as programs go, you will need nifskope and the creation kit for certain.


I hope that gives you a good start. If you are having difficulty working it out on your own, I would be more than happy to give you a step-by-step.


EDIT: Fixed broken links. Herp derp.

Edited by Elleh
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