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just installed geck, wont load anything...Help

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Before you ask, yes i use steam.


I decided to start playing again after a year or so


I have had and used the geck for both fallout 3, new vegas, creation kit, and construction set in the past.


I unzipped the new vegas geck 1.4 into my new vegas folder, and it loads up, but when i check off an esp and hit ok, nothing happens.


can anyone help me figure out whats wrong? I remember this happening before but dont know how to correct it. I searched the forums to no avail...

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Well blah. I was hoping it was a UAC issue - then I could be derisively condescending in my head. :smile: Check your folder permissions anyway and try running it as administrator anyway.


If neither of those does anything, back up your ini files, then launch FNV through the default launcher once. This will rebuild registry entries and the like that the GECK may be seeking and not finding.


If that still doesn't work, try loading just FalloutNV.esm and saving a new plugin. If that works, you may need to edit the bAllowMultipleMasterLoads setting in GeckPrefs.ini or Geck_Custom.ini - I don't remember which ini it's in, but change the value to 1.


While you're at it, you may want to also change the bUseMultibounds value to 0.

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Hey Xaranth, you don't have to actually launch the game through the launcher to rebuild the reg paths, you just have to open the launcher and close it :). Just a common misconception hahaha.

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