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CTD after certain point in main quest


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Other than that, I wonder if you have a corruption in your savefile, maybe from some time back? It seems the way to test this would be to go back a save from before you got that quest (before talking to Arngeir), or maybe even trying to sidestep that quest, by going back before you talk to Arngeir and then completeing the Civil War questline.

I do believe this problem might be caused by the Paarthurnax dilema mod, I never had this issue until I installed that mod and it's been happening since, even after uninstalling it. Also, there is misinformation from stating the term "your game save might be corrupt" because as soon as you add a single mod to your game save it becomes corrupt, that's why its called a modification.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I figured I would chip in here, I also am getting a CTD at that same point in my game and I don't have any of the mods the OP listed. I think it has to do with attempting to get the 2 main guys (Tulis/Ufric) together without doing the Civil War quests. Something in my scripts keeps trying to place me in one of the 2 main factions but comes back with an error. (I was doing the truce quest completely neutral, never went to Solitude or Windhelm if I could help it before this.) I went back to an earlier save and decided to NOT do the truce quest and it seems to be working ok so far. But I also haven't gotten to the point of going to Windhelm to deliver the Jarl's axe, so I don't know what will happen when I speak to Ulfric again.

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  • 1 year later...

I have the solution for the problem fellow gamers. When Tullius agrees for the council and then you get to Ulfric and talk to him,the game will crash, right? So what you have to do is after Ulfric agrees and immediatelly before the game crashes, activate the command console and teleport to high hrothgar by pressing [ coc highhrothgar ]. It will teleport you directly to highhrothgar s entrance. Go and speak as quickly as you can to Arngeir and then PROBLEM SOLVED! I hope this helps. It worked for me. I hope it works for everyone!!!

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  • 2 years later...
I'm having this problem too except the save becomes corrupted after season unending. It wont crash right away. Immediately... but after repeated saves after this quesr eventually it will ctd all the time. I've reloaded saves previous to season unending and the game works fine. But after season unending the game just starts crashing after a few minutes of play, entering a building, or fast travel. I've been looking on google on this topic and supposedly the royal armory mod is the culprit. Except I dont have that mod. I do have the Parathurnax mod or whatever. I also coc'd into Sovngard a little early. As long as I dont complete season unending my game is fine. But when I do the game starts crashing randomly.
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  • 2 months later...
If anyone crashes on save,after the main quest Season Unending for a few in game hours, it should be the older version of Royal Armory mod by PrivateEye that causes the CTD. Just uncheck the mod and finish the final quests ,and wait a few more hours in game ,then install the mod. XD
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