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A little mod help


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I've been working on making some custom spells for a while now and have finally gotten near the end of my project. Now I'm at the point where I'm trying to get a summon made and create a custom merchant to sell the spell tomes.


The issue is I don't quite know how to accomplish either of these.


What I wanted to do was create a summonable creature much like the Atranoch's, but I can't figure out how to define what creature is summoned or how to create said summonable creature. Summons are an entirely new territory for me.


Now, as my custom spell set is nature based, I wanted to create a custom NPC to sell the tomes. Ultimately I'd like to make this NPC into a quest giver for the upper tier spells but for now I just want to make them a merchant that sells the spells. The quest will be a later project once I'm much more accustomed to the CK.

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